Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 11, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 11, 2023

Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.

Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; a warming Antarctica, back in fashion oil and the EV mineral crisis.

Look for these stories below, including links to the original articles!

Antarctica: Where the Climate Con Is Contrasted by the Facts

Climate cultists would have us believe Antarctica is warming so fast there is no hope for not being drowned by rising seas as the big ice shelves break off and float toward the equator, but there’s this:

Even though the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere has been going up all over the world, average temperatures in the Antarctic have not gone up in the last 70 years. In fact, 2021 was the coldest 6-month winter since records began in 1957.

Scientists are trying to figure out why Antarctica hasn’t warmed recently and almost certainly much longer. The unproven idea that the carbon dioxide humans put in the air is the main cause of climate change is weakened by the fact that a large part of Earth is not getting warmer.

The global warming theory states that both poles should be getting warmer. Not just one.

Because climate science is “settled,” the important debate about the inconvenient Antarctica data has to happen far away from the prying eyes of the mainstream media. Promoting the Net Zero political agenda, The Guardian and The Hill made its readers even more worried by saying that “unimaginable amounts of water will flow into oceans” if temperatures in the region rise and ice buffers melt. But it isn’t getting warmer.

Justin Rowlatt, who is in charge of the BBC’s environmental work, flew over parts of the area and saw “an epic vision of broken ice.” He said that Antarctica is “where climate change is happening first.”

Most people don’t pay attention to the fact that the South Pole had its coldest six-month winter since records began in 1957. After that story did make the press, Reuters “fact checked” what people were saying about the event on social media. It was said that “six months is not enough time to confirm a climate trend.”

And the 70 years of no warming is covered up. Almost no one knows this because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

The Arctic and Antarctic are a “conundrum” when it comes to understanding how climate change is happening now. Because the Arctic is warming, and the Antarctic is not and may even be getting colder.

Alarmists dishonestly point to a small area of Antarctica that is getting warmer. Which is caused by warmer ocean waters because of at least 90 undersea volcanoes. Alarmists have been very interested in the Thwaites glacier, which they call the “Doomsday Glacier.” Which is located over this warmer ocean water…

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Soon we will be told by alarmist publications that warming causes cooling. Or that climate change causes both warming and cooling. And somehow weather will be better if we just stopped emitting CO2.

This story is precisely the reason free speech is, after life itself, the single most important right we have as human beings. And, it’s also precisely why the left is determined to shut it down.

Hat Tip: R.N.

Big Oil Fashionable Again in Paris!

Pledges? What pledges? That was just political correctness for the cameras!

After a year of record profits, Europe’s supermajors are shifting their focus back to fossil fuel production despite the implications for their pledges to reduce CO2 emissions.

It’s an approach already familiar to American giants Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp., whose vision of the future has always stayed close to their oily core.

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Adriatic LNG Terminal

Shell Plc, BP Plc, and TotalEnergies SE have spent the last few years trying to convince investors about the merits of net-zero carbon and investment in renewables.

But in 2022 they switched to showering them with tens of billions of dollars earned from pumping oil and gas, just like their US peers.

The change of course was triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which shifted governments’ focus back to energy security and created a huge gap in Europe’s oil and gas supplies that the majors are well placed to fill.

Well, the gap was actually created by the failure of absurd corporatist strategies intended to leverage “climate change” as an excuse to grift trillions off the backs of the citizenry in the form of green eggs and scam. The gap was always there. It was just temporarily filled with Russian natural gas until that was no longer possible. The majors all knew that, eventually, the world would return to sanity at some point. Some just played along in the meantime for protection.

Hat Tip: S.H.

Your EV Uses Six Time More Minerals Than My Car!

The EV debacle continues to unfold as opponents of fossil fuels such as natural gas pretend what cannot go on will continue:

Did you know that EVs need up to six times more minerals than conventional cars?

EVs are mineral-intensive and are pushing up demand for critical battery metals. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), lithium, nickel, and cobalt demand is expected to grow from 10%-20% to over 80% by 2030…

Copper mines currently in operation are nearing their peak, suffering from reserve exhaustion, while ore quality in older mines is declining…

Nickel quality needs to be high (Class 1) for EV batteries. Most nickel in the global supply chain is unusable for EVs. The Democratic Republic of Congo and China account for around 70% of [cobalt] production.

[Some] 90% of cobalt produced is a by-product of nickel and copper, making new supply subject to the development of these mines…

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Tesla chassis

The world could face severe lithium shortages as early as 2025. Lithium mines that started operations between 2010-2019 took an average of 16.5 years to develop. China accounts for 60% of global production and more than 80% of lithium hydroxide. Over 50% of lithium mines are located in areas that suffer water shortages.

EVs are a joke, an extremely expensive suit of clothes intended to convey the image of an alternative to fossil fuels when, in fact, only fossil fuels such as natural gas can produce the electricity needed to power them all and there aren’t enough minerals to make them anyway.

Hat Tip: D.S.

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