And, Briefly…
Natural Gas Now Best Picks – August 12, 2023
Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.
Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy.
This week: Kathy Hochul admits battery storage isn’t safe, Goldman-Sachs Governor Phil Murphy is confused or a liar, PBS NewsHour says it’s time to address climate anxiety and much more.
Look for these stories below, including links to the original articles!
Hochul Forced To Acknowledge Battery Storage Isn’t Safe!
The fact Kathy Hochul was forced to do this says everything about her plan to cover Upstate with solar panels and wind turbines that can’t produce energy when it’s needed.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul launched a special taskforce to investigate the safety of battery energy storage facilities after a third blaze in the state this year left residents warned to stay indoors.
Hochul announced the creation of the Fire Safety Working Group and immediate inspections of storage sites in the state after a battery fire at a solar farm sent potentially toxic smoke billowing across the area late last week.
The stay-at-home order was lifted some hours later after local authorities and emergency services – including a hazmat team – had confirmed there was no indication of toxic chemicals either in the air or in groundwater.
Hochul on Friday was among those to urge local residents to “protect themselves and their families” from exposure to smoke or other toxins following the “large battery fire” in Jefferson County, which borders Canada.
Hochul said the latest blaze followed others in Orange and Suffolk counties, prompting her to set up the task force “to mobilize the personnel and resources necessary to keep New Yorkers safe.”
How about diversifying your energy portfolio with natural gas, Kathy?
Hat Tp: M.S.
So, It’s All Double-Talk, Then?
The one constant in blue states is all the lying, pretending and double-talk as this news item makes perfectly clear:
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities held a two-day technical conference looking at the future of natural gas utilities in the state last week. The proceeding, which is expected to produce a report next summer outlining the regulators’ view of the industry’s future, was ordered by Gov. Phil Murphy in a major speech earlier this year on climate change and clean energy.
Some of the discussion may have been more reassuring to the industry than the governor’s sweeping goals might seem. Murphy has, on paper, pledged to help hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses dump natural gas by the end of the decade and has pledged to move the state to clean energy. But in opening remarks that got a lot of attention, BPU President Joseph Fiordaliso said gas isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Phil Murphy; is he confused or just an unprincipled panderbear?
“Gas is here to stay,” Fiordaliso said. “What we have to do is improve the quality of it. We need backup. We don’t have enough clean energy to generate the energy that is necessary to supply the 9.3 million here in the state of New Jersey with energy. And, until that day comes, things like nuclear power and gas will help us to provide the reliability that the citizens of New Jersey demand and should have every day of the week.”
Yes, natural gas isn’t going away because it cannot be replaced by a bunch of solar and wind facilities that are way more expensive and cannot delver the energy when it’s needed.
Hat Tip: R.N.
Climate Anxiety, You Say? Oh, Just Go Away Will You Please?
The true believers in climate change will go to the end of earth (figuratively) to serve the interests of the climate corporatists and wannabe masters of the world who fund and enable their nonsense.
In a segment that looked like something out of Monty Python, PBS NewsHour brought on a therapist to help people e suffering from ‘climate anxiety’ on Sunday.
Anchor John Yang announced the “climate psychology therapist,” noting “This summer, millions of Americans are experiencing firsthand the effects of climate change. Triple-digit temperatures for days on end, smoke from record-setting wildfires fouling the air, warming oceans, bleaching coral reefs…”
“Psychologists say that can be a positive thing, spurring people to action. But for some people, it becomes an overwhelming sense of despair or anxiety,” Yang continued, adding “Psychologists call it climate anxiety. This week, we asked people about their emotional responses to climate change.”
We were then treated to seven troubled individuals who have reached the end of their mental tethers from watching too much climate fear porn, before one Leslie Davenport appeared to urge “it’s really important to acknowledge that if you’re feeling that on any level of intensity, it really means you’re paying attention, you care, you’re empathetic to what’s happening to our world.”
Well, as for me I’ll take my chances with natural gas!
Hat Tip: D.S.
Biden Wants to Gut U.S. Energy Security Compared to China and Russia, from S.H.
China Using EVs to Spy, from T.C.
Biden Pushes Unproven but Green Technologies, from D.S.
The End of Summer Vacation As We Know It, from R.N.
California Wants to Drain Your Batteries: Your EV Is Their EV, from D.B.
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