NRDC Gang Funding Shapiro and Doing China Dirty Work
Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.
Climate madness has descended upon us, but not by accident. It has been engineered to give elites ever more power and vastly increased wealth at our expense.
We are living under climate madness. Its enablers would have us believe it is science, but will not tolerate skepticism, which is at the heart of all real science. Instead, they say we must, without question or doubt, accept the word of officials whose mission is to impose their will upon us. No sane person can truly live with that; accepting the role of a mindless robot or indentured servant.
Yet, millions do because elites have constructed a system of peer pressure that keeps tightening the screws on the press in which we are trapped. Talking about climate madness, in fact, is a risk. Social media can throw you in its jails for challenging conformity. Bureaucrats can restrict your freedom to travel. PayPal can steal your money. First, it was COVID madness and now climate madness is upon us; accept what elites tell you or face the consequences.

The Emperor’s New Clothes – a fairy tale that provides some important answers for dealing with the climate madness that seemingly has overtaken Western society.
What is climate madness? It’s the absurd belief we must make ourselves dependent on others who tell us we shouldn’t travel as they do, shouldn’t eat as they do and shouldn’t own anything as they do; all for the sake of saving a planet that doesn’t need saving or humans to save it. The absurdity is revealed in the following variants of climate madness:
- Totalitarian Climate Madness: NPR (of course) reports “New Zealand’s government on Tuesday proposed taxing the greenhouse gasses that farm animals make from burping and peeing as part of a plan to tackle climate change.” This is an initiative of the Jacinda Ardern administration that imposed some of the most extreme COVID lockdown measures in the world. Having been so successful in destroying her economy during that sorry episode, she has now decided to go for two and wipe out the nation’s farming industry, one of her nation’s largest, if not the largest, following the lead of the Netherlands and Sri Lanka.
- Ideological Climate Madness: The Westphalian Times reports Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, a United Nations agency, says that “from a climate perspective, the war in Ukraine may be seen as a blessing,” for Europe. He says there needs to be a “complete transformation” of the global energy system. He acknowledges a European energy crisis created by these policies but conveniently blames the results on a war that is killing and impoverishing huge numbers of people. It’s a blessing, he says, because it will allow his green energy debacle to continue to unfold.
- Corporatist Climate Madness: Corporatists are pushing EVs like there’s no tomorrow, promoting tax credits, other subsidies and mandates to ensure an endless fount of grifting opportunities even as the New York Post reports these same EVs tend to turn into eternal flames without encouragement and die like sheep from the first sneeze. Indeed, Hurricane Ian revealed a little corrosion makes a big fire. And, not only is there no grid capable of supporting EV mandate dreams, but there’s not enough water to put the fires as it typically takes 24,000 gallons of water (and many hours) to put one out, which is more than enough to fill a 16′ x 32′ swimming pool that is 4-8 feet deep.
- Unsustainable Climate Madness: Not only is there the above, but the Wall Street Journal tells us this:“But it takes nearly as much energy to make one smartphone as it does one refrigerator, even though the latter weighs 1,000 times more. The world produces nearly 10 times more smartphones a year than refrigerators. Thus, the global fabrication of smartphones now uses 15% as much energy as does the entire automotive industry, even though a car weighs 10,000 times more than a smartphone.”Yet, the I-Phone made to a large degree in China for Apple, a company bragging that it will be “carbon neutral” in eight years. Yeah, right.
- Nihilistic Climate Madness: Radical young Greta wannabes have been blocking an entrance to Downing Street “as part of their October action demanding that the government end all new oil and gas licenses” by “sitting down with banners and glueing themselves to the tarmac.” The Morning Star says there has been “eleven days of continuous disruption this month by the group, which has seen over 337 arrests” and “the group has said it will continue until its demands are met.” And, if that’s not bad enough tells us tells us the disgusting story of Maddie Budd who poured human feces and urine over a memorial to Captain Tom Moore who, at almost 100 years of age, “walked 100 laps of his garden with an aim to raise funds for NHS Charities during the Covid-19 lockdown.” The “British World War II veteran’s idea was to reach a $1115 figure, instead he managed to surprise himself by raising massive $36.5 million.” Spoiled child Budd was protesting jets and their supposed climate damage and somehow thought this contemptible attention-seeking display of her personal nihilism was an act of charity.
These for four variants are just the beginning, of course. There are a legion of examples, but what is behind all this climate madness? Well, a wonderful explanation comes from a superb article at American Greatness by Edward Ring. He argues the whole climate game is really a crime against humanity and makes a compelling case:
If you control energy and food, you control the world. The biggest multinational corporations on Earth are empowered by ESG mandates, because marginal or emerging competitors lack the financial resiliency to comply. From small independent private farmers and ranchers to small independent nations, once their ability to produce is broken, the big players pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar…
The multidisciplinary nature of climate science, the infinitely complex assortment of variables impacting climate, the uncertain and often conflicting measurements, the dichotomy between predictive modeling and actual events, combined with relentless pressure on scientists to always reinforce the “consensus,” ought to call into question all alarmist proclamations. But weather has always been capable of wreaking havoc on civilization. What should be done to mitigate its extremes?
This is where the doomsday coalition, with the globalist ESG lobby in the vanguard, are themselves the most dangerous people on Earth. Their solution, preposterous on its face, is to halt further development of fossil fuel resources and, within 30 years, eliminate use of fossil fuel entirely.
This is nihilistic, tyrannical oppression. It is horrendously unsustainable. It is an impossible goal to achieve. To even approach accomplishing this objective in a matter of a few decades would cause famine, depression, and war—impoverishing if not killing billions of people…
The architects of the globalist climate agenda are well aware of these facts. They also know that for everyone on Earth, per capita, to consume half as much energy as Americans consume per capita, energy production worldwide will have to double. That should be the shared objective of all nations, and the idea that this can be accomplished without further development of fossil fuels is a blatant, outrageous lie.
What are these obscenely wealthy, inordinately powerful people thinking? How can they possibly believe they’re going to make the world a better place, if their plan is to force billions of people into starvation and poverty while carpeting millions of square miles with wind and solar farms? How is this a good thing?
…The globalist climate agenda is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. It is a monstrous crime against humanity, promulgated by some of the most dangerous people who have ever lived. It is a brazen lie for any of them to claim that we are dangerous if we do not think the world is coming to an end, are not promoting panic and fear, and wish to see citizens of all nations achieve prosperity.
This is, perhaps, the most cogent explanation of the climate madness we’re living through and its up to all of us to not go along, to resist and tell others the emperors (Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, et al) have no clothes.
The post Climate Madness Has Been Designed by Elites to Create Chaos appeared first on Natural Gas Now. This post appeared first on Natural Gas Now.