DeKalb Molded Plastic molding supervisor dies after electric shock

Ohio River Corridor

DeKalb Molded Plastic molding supervisor dies after electric shock

Butler, Ind. — A molding supervisor at DeKalb Molded Plastics Co. died on Aug. 4, less than a month after he suffered an electrical shock in a July 18 accident at the company’s Butler facility. The company said Larry Griffin Jr. was working around one of the company’s presses, which was not in operation, when


VA DEQ Stops Works on Tiny 2-Mile Segment of Mountain Valley Pipe

It appears the Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has become politicized. Why is it that leftists (like Va. Gov. Ralph Northam) politicize what are supposed to be impartial government agencies? The DEQ has issued a “stop work” order to Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) for construction activities along a tiny two-mile stretch in Montgomery County.


Referendum to Overturn OH Nuke Bailout Law Gains Momentum

Two weeks ago MDN brought you news about a newly passed Ohio law (House Bill 6) to prop up two bankrupt nuclear power plants and several coal-fired plants (see Ohio Nuke Bailout Law Means Fewer Natgas-Fired Electric Plants). The law raises electric rates for all Ohioans and threatens to end a number of planned natural


DC Court Upholds FERC Authority in Approving Atlantic Sunrise Pipe

In March 2017, radical green groups, including the Sierra Club, Lancaster Against Pipelines, Lebanon Pipeline Awareness, Allegheny Defense Project, Clean Air Council, Concerned Citizens of Lebanon County, and Heartwood, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in an attempt to block construction of the $3 billion Atlantic Sunrise


Opposition Begins to Williams PA Leidy South Compressor Station

Proposed location of Williams Hegins compressor station (click for larger version) Last Friday MDN told you that Williams has just filed a request with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to build the “Leidy South Project” to expand Transco capacity in Pennsylvania (see Williams Files Leidy South Project with FERC to Expand PA Transco). The


Society of Environmental Journalists Is About Anything But Journalism

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … The Society of Environmental Journalists isn’t about journalism. It’s about spreading the Green Gospel and achieving earthly salvation for the gentry class. What is an environmental journalist? A journalist who writes about the environment? Or, an environmentalist peddling an environmental viewpoint? According to the Society of Environmental Journalists,


California Cities Pass Natural Gas Bans, Ignoring Sky-High Electricity Prices and Consumer Choice

A costly trend is developing across several California cities that could prove harmful to consumers and the environment alike. Berkeley recently became the first city to ban the installation of natural gas linesin newly constructed buildings, making  gas-powered water heaters and stoves forbidden in all new homes. Meanwhile, two of San Francisco’s supervisors recently revealed


Debunked Research is Used Yet Again to Attack Oil and Natural Gas Production

A recent Corpus Christi Caller-Times opinion column begins with an emphasis on a claimed lack of “Science. Evidence. Facts.” in policymaking decisions surrounding fracking. And yet, the notable absence of these very things in the author’s claims demonstrates just how out-of-touch with reality the piece’s calls for a ban on fracking and a halt to


Furnaces Now Out; New York Has A Fever and Loses Its Mind

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) New York’s plan to eliminate furnaces is a case of going over the edge and plunging into the depths of ideological insanity. Does New York have a fever? This is no joke. It’s not an “Onion” piece where we’re trying to fool you. In June, the New York State


Shale Gas News – August 3, 2019

Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, Hurricane Barry, Mississippi LNG exports and much more last week. The Shale Gas News has grown again; welcome Gem 104 as our


Marathon Petroleum clears $1B in profit during Q2

Marathon Petroleum Corp.’s second-quarter profits were up almost 5% from a year ago, clearing $1 billion, according to The Massillon Independent. The profit was equal to $1.66 per diluted share, according to a company press release. Additionally, the company’s midstream revenue was up 4 percent from the same quarter last year to $878 million, while


DRBC Water Dependence Was Greatly Exaggerated All Along!

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … DRBC water dependence claims have ranged from 15 to 22 million people over the years but the real number was always much lower and the DRBC has admitted it. When the Delaware River Basin Commission was formed in 1961, the legislators creating it said this about dependence on


Natural Gas NOW Best Picks of the Week August 3, 2019

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. It Doesn’t Fit, So You Must Quit Pennsylvania’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources just spent your tax