Big Green, Inc. – The Sources of the Money Behind Fractivism

Ohio River Corridor

Big Green, Inc. – The Sources of the Money Behind Fractivism

 ... … … Fractivism is anything but grassroots. Rather, it is funded and orchestrated Big Green, Inc. and the Institute for Energy Research is documenting it all. Last year, as readers might recall, IER launched Big Green, Inc. to began exposing the under-the-radar funders that underwrite the anti-American energy movement and its anti-fracking ballot measures,


The Extraordinary Environmental Benefits of Natural Gas

Kelsey MulacCabot Oil & GasExternal Affairs, Pittsburgh … … The environmental benefits of natural gas are truly extraordinary, although fractivists are loathe to admit they exist. The truth is in the numbers, though. Did you know that natural gas is clean burning? This is good news for the atmosphere: replacing traditional dirtier energy sources with


Massachusetts and New York AGs Renew Old Tactics In Another Attempt to Avoid Transparency

State attorney general offices in Massachusetts and New York are continuing a worrisome trend of refusing to release their communications with environmental activists to the public. In Massachusetts, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is refusing to release its correspondence with Matthew Pawa and Naomi Oreskes—two high-profile activists who have been advocating for climate


New York Climate Plans Will Have No Discernible Impact — On the Climate!

Roger CaiazzaIndependent Researcher and Publisher,Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York … New York climate plans will have no discernible impact on climate. Is this why proposed legislation doesn’t attempt to quantitative global warming impacts? In the 2019-2020 regular sessions the New York State (NYS) legislature is debating the Climate and Community Protection Act (CCPA). This post calculates how


Catch The Buzz

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Buzz, a weekly feature where Kallanish Energy editors select the quartet of stories this past week we feel were the most important – have the chance to make the biggest impact on the oil and gas industry — and energy as a whole. This week’s selections include: Venezuela bypasses U.S. sanctions


Royalties management workshop to be held in Elk County, Pa.

Penn State Extension will host a workshop to help landowners understand the various factors that affect their royalty payments on June 11 in Elk County, Pennsylvania. Are you as a landowner receiving royalty checks and not fully understanding how the current trends and production figures mesh with your royalty payments? Do you have questions on


Cuomo’s Energy Initiatives Put New York City at Risk of Another Blackout

Roger CaiazzaIndependent Researcher and Publisher,Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York … Andrew Cuomo’s plans for New York City’s natural gas peaking plants depend on untried and technologically challenging renewables. He’s risking a blackout. On February 28, 2019 the New York State of Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) proposed regulations to lower allowable nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from simple


Physics-based Or Data-driven Models?

[Editor’s note: A version of this story appears in the April 2019 edition of E&P magazine. Subscribe to the magazine here.] A once quiet debate is nearing critical mass with repercussions in the oil and gas space. Indeed, the event horizon of sub-$60 oil suggests the critical mass threshold may be at hand. The debate stems from the vexatious


Natural Gas Is Gaining on Renewables; The Gap Has Never Been Wider

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc.   The supposed inevitability of renewables is a matter of faith with gullible fractivists but the facts show we’re using more natural gas energy than ever. Never surrender to the hype. Facts always serve us better in the long run, although the temptation to accede to the will of crowd


Natural Gas NOW Picks of the Week – April 20, 2019

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. “So We Spent $1 Million Per Job?” GreenTechMedia says Tesla is “staring down a 2020 employment deadline in New


Colorado Air Regulator Walks Back Denver Post Story on 90 Day “Loophole”

Colorado’s top air quality regulator took issue with recent media portrayals of the state’s emissions regulations during the Air Quality Control Commission monthly meeting Thursday. During the “Director’s Report” portion of the meeting, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Air Pollution Control Division Head Garry Kaufman offered clarity around a recent Denver Post article


Airlite Plastics buys maker of HDPE paving system TrueGrid

April 19, 2019 Updated 4/19/2019 Email Print Stiles Manufacturing LLC Installation of a parking lot at a Whole Foods store using TrueGrid paving system. Airlite Plastics Co., the manufacturer of Fox Blocks-brand insulated concrete forms for the building industry, has acquired Stiles Manufacturing LLC, maker of TrueGrid pavers. The acquisition furthers Airlite’s plan to grow


Firms jointly target Mexican mold market

April 19, 2019 Updated 4/19/2019 Email Print Michael A. Marcotte From left: Calle Heldin, Heatlock Co. Ltd.; Joerg Wehling, general manager, TK Holdings, Ing.; Pablo Vargas Barrera, director general, Privarsa. Mexico City — A trio of companies — two from China and one from Mexico — are hoping that a partnership aimed at building more


Adidas introduces fully recyclable running shoe

April 19, 2019 Updated 4/19/2019 Email Print Adidas AG Adidas has selected 200 runners to try out its Futurecraft.Loop recyclable running shoe and will make it available to the general public in 2021. Shoe and sportswear giant Adidas AG is unveiling a new way for its customers to do running repeats, unveiling what it says


SPE Panel: Autos can benefit from nanomaterials

April 19, 2019 Updated 4/19/2019 Email Print XG Sciences Inc. Rose Detroit —​ Nanotechnology and graphene holds great promise for the automotive market, a Ford Motor Co. technical expert said at Antec 2019. Deborah Mielewski, senior technical leader of sustainable materials and advanced materials at Ford, said nanomaterials can improve lightweighting, reduce wear in vehicle