
Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, April 7, 1923!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, April 7, 1923! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, February 24, 1923!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, February 24, 1923! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


Farming Without Fossil Fuels Is A Matter of Going Hungry

Farming Without Fossil Fuels Is A Matter of Going Hungry Kevin Killough Energy Reporter – Cowboy State Daily .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Farming, energy production, free speech and capitalism are the foundations of civil society as we know it and yet some would throw it all away in hunger games.] When it comes to


Biden Is the Man with No Plan As Our Refineries Close

Biden Is the Man with No Plan As Refineries Close Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden is the anti-leader, the scarecrow with no voice, plan or understanding, propped up by special interests as supposed President as we self-destruct.] President Joe Biden continues his pursuit of


Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, February 3, 1923!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, February 3, 1923! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


Wyoming Does Alinsky! Phase Out All EVs by 2035!

Great American Outdoors Depends on Oil and Gas? Who Knew? Jason Spiess IHost of The Crude Life, “Everyday Energy For Everyday People,” ESG University, Multi-Media Journalist   … [Editor’s Note: Wyoming is employing Saul Alinsky tactics that ought to be emulated by every red state; legislation to phase out sales of electric vehicles in the


BLM Approves First-of-its-Kind Carbon Capture Project on Federal Lands

In a significant milestone for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), the Bureau of Land Management has approved and authorized for the first time ever a private company—ExxonMobil—to construct underground infrastructure and store CO2 deep underground on federal lands in Wyoming. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has continuously evolved over the last 50 years, becoming a


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – August 13, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – August 13, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week: NJ Debates How to Commit Suicide As Solar Grifters Demand More! But, Green Grifters


Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, July 22, 1922!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, July 22, 1922! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 9, 2021

natural gas now Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Bit Coin Mining Use of Flared Natural Gas to CancelEmissions Shows Why Fractivists Will Never Outwit the Industry


Study Finds “Significant Fiscal and Economic Losses” for Western States Under a Federal Lands Fracking Ban

A fracking ban on federal lands like the one advocated by the Biden presidential campaign would severely harm the economies of eight western states, according to a new study by the Wyoming Energy Authority. The report’s author, University of Wyoming Professor Tim Considine, came to a grim conclusion: “Over all this study finds that there


Oxy looking to sell Wyoming, Colorado assets: sources

Occidental Petroleum Corp is soliciting bids for oil and gas properties in Wyoming and Colorado acquired when it purchased Anadarko Petroleum, hoping the assets will bring up to $700 million, people familiar with the matter told Reuters. Occidental offered roughly 200,000 acres in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of Wyoming and Colorado that produce $66 million a


Oil and Gas Powers Record Revenue in New Mexico

New Mexico is poised to receive $1.11 billion in revenue from activities on its public lands in fiscal year 2019, according to the New Mexico State Land Office. This is a 30 percent increase over the $852 million generated in FY 2018 – and it’s being driven by the oil and natural gas industry. As


Working-rig count drops for 6th straight week

The number of rigs working onshore in the Lower 48 U.S. states last week fell for the sixth consecutive week, according to data compliled by oilfield services firm Baker Hughes, a GE company. For the week ended May 17, 954 rigs were working in the Lower 48, down a lone rig from the previous week,