Texas Wind Power Not So Reliable, As It Turns Out

 ... … … Texas wind energy has been touted as a big success, but several years of growth in the wind energy supply have blown away electricity expense budgets. Texas has the most wind capacity of any state, generating about 16 percent of its electricity from wind. In August, as temperatures rose to over 100 degrees and


Is Wind Power, Having Inflated Electric Prices, Done in Germany?

 ... … … Wind power has successfully exploded electricity prices in Germany, turned its neighbors into enemies and cost a fortune. Has it, at last, run its course? New onshore wind energy is in a steep decline in Germany. The expansion of onshore wind power in the first half of this year is at its


Offshore Wind Is No Easy Sell and Carries A High Environmental Price

 ... … … Offshore wind projects along the East Coast are being regularly challenged successfully on environmental impact grounds, especially by fishermen. In Massachusetts and New York, fisherman seem to be winning small victories against offshore wind farms. The Edgartown Conservation Commission in Massachusetts denied an underwater cable route off the town’s coastline, citing the potential