Williams Partners

US Supreme Court Rejects Landowner Case Against Atlantic Sunrise

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected hearing a case appealed from a lower court by a group of Lancaster County landowners who claim Williams and their Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline project abused eminent domain authority by building the pipeline before litigating (for years) how much money landowners should receive–landowners who refused to negotiate in good faith


Economic Fallout from Cuomo’s Decision to Kill NESE Pipeline

Yesterday New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo dropped an economic atom bomb on New York City by rejecting a natural gas pipeline to bring more supplies of clean-burning natgas to NYC and Long Island (see NY Gov. Cuomo Denies Permit for Williams NESE Pipeline to NYC). The reaction has been swift, and negative. NYC’s economic and


NY Gov. Cuomo Denies Permit for Williams NESE Pipeline to NYC

Hey New York Islanders NHL team–you’re screwed. No new stadium because your governor, Andrew Cuomo has just directed his corrupt Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to deny a permit to build the Williams Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) natural gas pipeline, a pipeline your new stadium needs or won’t get built. You can thank Andy for


Pipeline Chess: FERC Approves NESE into NYC; Your Move Gov. Cuomo

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Last Friday the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a final approval for Williams’ Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) pipeline project by a vote of 3-1 (full copy below). The only remaining regulatory


Williams 1Q19: Becoming Besties with Encino in Ohio Utica

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Williams, one of the biggest midstream (pipeline) companies in the U.S., issued its first quarter 2019 update yesterday. Williams is a gigantic company with operations in multiple regions, not just here in


The Case Against “Quick Take” Eminent Domain for Pipelines

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. In March a group of Pennsylvania landowners from Lancaster County asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case in which they say they’ve been screwed over by Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline, that


Lawsuit Challenging Georgia Pipeline Tossed by US Supremes

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Big Green groups continue to sue pipeline companies and their projects in an attempt to block any new pipeline anywhere from getting built–period. One of their favored angles of attack is to


US Supremes Reject Dela. Riverkeeper Lawsuit re Atlantic Sunrise

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. THE Delaware Riverkeeper, Maya van Rossum, along with a couple of radicals from Lancaster County flying under the name Lancaster Against Pipelines (the Clatterbucks), hoped they could convince the U.S. Supreme Court


Williams Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Toss Atlantic Sunrise Case

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. In March a group of Pennsylvania landowners from Lancaster County asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case in which they say they’ve been screwed over by Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline, that


NYC Housing Authority Tenant Leader Lobbies for NESE NatGas Pipe

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Danny Barber, a NYCHA tenant leader who backs NESE pipeline project A prominent advocate for tenants who live in New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) apartment buildings is speaking up to support


Did Constitution Pipeline Prospects Improve with Trump Exec Order?

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. During the signing ceremony on Wednesday when President Trump signed two executive orders to make it harder for states to block new pipelines for political reasons, Trump revealed part of the motivation


NY DEC Nervous that FERC Will Overturn Constitution Pipe Ruling

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. The Cuomo-corrupted New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is spitting and sputtering, “warning” the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that if they (FERC) decide to rule that NY took too long to


Antis Threaten…if FERC Overrides NY re Constitution Pipe

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Anti-fossil fuel radicals are making noises, threatening noises, about how they may react when and if (as seems likely) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) decides to overrule New York State and


Another Pipe Builder Plays Dirty – Liens on Lancaster Landowners

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. This stuff makes us angry. Just yesterday we told you about a contractor using the sleazy tactic of filing “mechanic’s liens” against landowners in western New York State because of a payment