Media Fearmongering Over Climate Is Outrageous Vijay Jayaraj Research Associate: CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: Our media is hyping weather events to fear-monger over climate and it’s both outrageous and irresponsible, little more than a corporatist con game game.] In an era of sensationalism and clickbait headlines, the media’s portrayal of hot weather
Long-range forecasts for hot weather and a lighter-than-predicted storage report for natural gas led to a 6% spike up in the price of the NYMEX Henry Hub yesterday, closing at $2.76/MMBtu. The National Weather Service released modeling yesterday that shows hot temps will get hotter for the end of July and the beginning of August….
The Henry Hub price of natural gas (even physically traded spot prices around the country) are ever-so-gradually moving higher. Yes, we’re cheerleaders for higher natgas prices! (Not too high, but certainly higher than the current $2-$3 range.) Even though we’re pro-gas and cheerleaders for higher prices (we openly admit our bias), we’re also realists, and…
U.S. natural gas demand is on track to hit record lows in January if unseasonably warm weather sticks around, according… Continue reading The post US NatGas on Track for Record Low Demand in January first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.
The NYMEX Henry Hub price for natural gas is once again in freefall. Over the four previous trading sessions, the… Continue reading The post NatGas Price in Freefall Due to Warm Weather – Prospects for 2023 first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.
The Marcellus/Utica is THE number one natural gas-producing region in the country–by far. Much of the country, including the M-U,… Continue reading The post Big Winter Storm Hits M-U Production, Down 27% from Average first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.
While the commodity price of natural gas has always drifted up and down, we can’t remember a time (in our… Continue reading The post Bottom Drops Out of Natural Gas Price as Weather Forecast Warms first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.
The front-month NYMEX futures contract (based on the price of gas trading at the Henry Hub) dropped like a rock… Continue reading The post Natural Gas Prices in “Freefall” with Warm Weather, LNG Delay first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.
Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, December 2, 1922! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. …. Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100
Natural Gas Now Best Picks – October 1, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; there’s a greener globe, ESG gets hammered and solar greed ramps up big-time. Look
Strap in–the roller coaster ride continues. Yesterday the NYMEX Henry Hub front-month (July) futures contract for natural gas plunged 10%,… Continue reading The post NYMEX NatGas Price Down 10% After High Storage Number Released first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.
Climate David Wojick, PhDJournalist and Independent Policy Analyst … … … [Editor’s Note: George Orwell long ago identified the problem with language that is crafted to mean the represent the opposite of what is implied. Climate Newspeak is here!] I am constantly entertained by the artful ways alarmists bend language to their will. This often
Recent weather events like the winter storm in Texas serve as a stark reminder of the crucial role that natural gas plays in supporting the power grid. As a 2020 Brattle Group report explains, natural gas outperforms other energy sources during emergencies. That’s because it “can perform without advance notice for any length of outage,”
The spot price (cash paid for immediate delivery) of natural gas at trading hubs across the country, including in the Marcellus/Utica, continues to hit new highs not seen in over a year. Even though the longer-range NYMEX futures price isn’t moving all that much. Pay no attention to the futures price! Look at the spot
Analysts at S&P Global Platts say that with the current cold snap underway in the northeast, already decreasing natural gas production from the Marcellus/Utica may accelerate with wellhead freeze-offs. Sometimes in colder temps (hey, it was 2 degrees at MDN HQ this morning) water and other liquids in the gas can freeze and block the