
NYMEX NatGas Price Jumps Another 27.3 Cents to $4.28/MMBtu

Yesterday, MDN noted the NYMEX “front month” futures price of natural gas had jumped 28.2 cents to close just above $4/MMBtu (see Wx Drives March NYMEX Price to Close at $4/MMBtu, Spot Price Higher). The price did it again. Yesterday, the NYMEX price for March delivery closed +6.8% to $4.280/MMBtu, a new 52-week high and…


Wx Drives March NYMEX Price to Close at $4/MMBtu, Spot Price Higher

Hold on, everyone. The NYMEX natural gas price roller coaster is climbing up the next hill, and there is no telling how high it will go—or how quickly it will go down again. Yesterday, the NYMEX “front month” (March contract) for natural gas futures based on the price at the Henry Hub soared 28.2 cents…


NYMEX Gas Futures Price Soars to Close at $4.2580 MMBtu

Baby, it’s cold outside! And it’s getting colder beginning this weekend and moving into next week. The cold weather, combined with less natural gas in storage (less than the average), has increased the NYMEX “front month” futures contract for natural gas. Yesterday, the NYMEX price closed at $4.2580 per million British thermal units (MMBtu), the…


Wind, Not a Carbon Dioxide Canopy, Controls Temps on Mother Earth

At its core, the theory of man-made global warming (renamed to “climate change”) is easy to understand. The theory says when we burn fossil fuels (or wood, or garbage, or any carbon-based source), carbon dioxide is released and floats up into the atmosphere. If there’s too much CO2 floating up there, it creates a canopy…


AccuWeather Says Cold Blast in Northeast Could Stop M-U Drilling

AccuWeather meteorologists who specialize in predicting the weather for the natural gas industry issued a statement to Rigzone saying several Arctic blasts will send waves of bitterly cold air across much of the eastern United States starting last weekend. The meteorologists said the “deep freeze could impact natural gas production and operations in the Northeast.”…


Prediction: NatGas Prices to Keep Rising into 2025 Due to Cold Wx

According to a Reuters analyst, natural gas prices in Asia, Europe, and North America have climbed by 30% to 50% in 2024 and are likely to keep rising over the coming months in early 2025 as forecasts for cold weather trigger higher heating demand in key consumer hubs. Although Europe entered the winter with “full”…


EIA Warns Global Natural Gas Market Could Tighten This Winter

The analysts at the federal U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) are cautioning (we’d call it warning) that the global natural gas market may experience a tighter supply-demand balance this winter than in the prior two winters. Why? Several reasons, chief among is the coming colder winter. El Niño changes to La Niña this season. La…


NGSA Predicts Colder Winter Coming, Increase in NatGas Price

Colder weather and increased demand will place slight upward pressure on natural gas prices compared to last winter, the Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA) said last Thursday in its 24th annual Winter Outlook forecast of the wholesale winter natural gas market. NGSA also projected higher-than-average storage, record production and supply, and modest GDP growth this…


NatGas Price is Crashing and Burning – How Low Will It Go?

U.S. natural gas and power prices hit multi-year highs in mid-January with the prospect of frigid temps and snow storms in various portions of the country (see NatGas Prices Make Huge Jump on Deep Freeze – Some M-U Prices 4X). The NYMEX Henry Hub futures price hit $3.31/MMBtu just three weeks ago. A week later,…


NatGas Prices Make Huge Jump on Deep Freeze – Some M-U Prices 4X

U.S. natural gas and power prices hit multi-year highs on Friday with the prospect of frigid temps and snow storms in various portions of the country. The extreme cold was expected to bring record gas demand and cut supplies by freezing wells. The spot price of natural gas at various trading hubs from the West…


NYMEX Henry Hub Price Crashes with Warm Weather Forecast

The commodity price for natural gas, as expressed by the NYMEX Henry Hub futures contract (for January), fell 10.5% in early trading yesterday before finally closing at $2.43/MMBtu, down 15 cents (6.17%) from the previous day. Why the big drop when prices are already low? Lack of demand due to warm weather. In fact, according…


FERC Report Blames M-U for Electric Almost-Outage Last Winter

Less than a year ago, the Northeast experienced a major winter storm at Christmastime (Winter Storm Elliott). Do you remember it? On Dec. 23, temps in places like the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania hit 60 degrees! Within 12 hours, the bottom dropped out, with temps plunging into the single digits—a more than 50-degree change. Dec….


Weather Isn’t Climate and Climate Isn’t Weather!

Weather Isn’t Climate and Climate Isn’t Weather! Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Climate advocates are constantly utilizing weather, rather than science, to rationalize their essentially political positions regarding global warming.] A couple of articles came to my attention recently that exemplify


Hurricane Idalia Reduces Feed Gas to Georgia’s Elba Island LNG

Hurricane Idalia made landfall in the “big bend” region of Florida on the morning of Aug. 30 as a Category 3 storm, then lost speed as it crossed the state, downgrading to a Category 1 as it pushed into Georgia, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of customers and reducing power and natural gas…


Hawaii Fires Are No Excuse for Climate Emergency Power Play

Hawaii Fires Are No Excuse for Climate Emergency Power Play James Steele Biologist and Member of CO2 Coalition.. .… … … [Editor’s Note: The Hawaii fires that have caused so distress are already being blamed on global warming and used as a climate emergency power play, but facts say otherwise.] The Maui fire would have