
Antis Ask Gov. Wolf to Block PA DEP Permit for Plum Injection Well

Anti-fossil fuel zealots sent a letter to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf two days ago asking him to use dictatorial powers to overturn a permit issued by the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) that allows a wastewater injection well to be built in Penn Township. The radical group ProtectPT (funded by Heinz Endowments and Google’s former


Barging Fracked Wastewater on Ohio River Approved! Starts in 1Q21

We have some super-exciting news to share–what we believe is an MDN exclusive. DeepRock Disposal Solutions has secured all of the necessary permits and authorizations it needs (over 30!), including authorization from the U.S. Coast Guard, to begin transporting shale (produced) wastewater via barge on the Ohio River. DeepRock will begin its barge service in


Nuverra Swallows Poison Pill to Prevent Hostile Takeover

Nuverra Environmental Solutions (formerly Heckmann) is one of the largest companies in the United States that handles transportation and disposal of shale drilling wastewater and leftover rock and dirt from drilling (drill cuttings). The company has major operations in the Marcellus/Utica region. Yesterday Nuverra announced its board of directors has approved the adoption of a


PA DEP Publishes Revised Permit for Liquid Waste from Fracking

The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) over the weekend published a final (revised) version of its Waste General Permit which governs how wastewater from shale fracking and produced water can be processed and reused for more drilling and fracking.This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Bobcat Energy Plans 2nd Wastewater Injection Well Near Youngstown

Injection well process (click for larger version) Last year Bobcat Energy Resources finished work on a Class II wastewater injection well in Coitsville Township, near Youngstown, OH, and began operating the well (see New Mahoning Injection Well Online Soon; OEPA Issues Violation). Bobcat has filed an application with the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR)


OH Injection Well Said to Leak Wastewater into Wells 5 Miles Away

Washington County, OH Officials with the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) are investigating a claim that shale wastewater pumped into an injection well in Washington County, OH is migrating and coming out of producing conventional natural gas wells some five miles away. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Eureka Resources earns patent for wastewater purification

The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently awarded Eureka Resources, LLC a patent for its approach to cleansing and recycling wastewater from oil and gas operations, according to Pennsylvania Business Report. Eureka’s proprietary technology can remove hundreds of types of impurities from oil and gas wastewater, isolate recyclable minerals and generate clean water so


Eurkea Gets $1.5M Grant to Expand Lithium from Wastewater PA Plant

Eureka Resources, which owns and operates a centralized treatment/recycling facility in Bradford County, PA to process Marcellus watewater, is getting a $1.5 million state Redevelopment Assistance Capital Projects grant to help the plant launch a high tech solution to recover lithium from Marcellus wastewater. Yes, lithium, like that used to manufacture rechargeable batteries. This post


Marcellus Wastewater Plant in PA Gets Ready to Extract Lithium

Left to Right: Preston McEachern CEO PurLucid, Chris Frantz VP Business Development Eureka, Dan Ertel CEO Eureka, and Jared Lazerson CEO MGX (click for larger version) In March, MDN brought you the news that Eureka Resources, which owns and operates three centralized treatment/recycling facilities that process flowback/produced waters (i.e. wastewater) from the Marcellus Shale, announced


Another Post-Gazette Smear Job: Drill Cuttings Pollute Rivers

Yet another attack on the shale industry by two Pittsburgh Post-Gazette “reporters” (propagandists) who have made a career of unfairly attacking shale–Don Hopey and David Templeton. This latest smear job makes the claim that leachate coming from a landfill piped to a municipal wastewater treatment facility is “contaminated” with all sorts of nasty chemicals (what


EPA Draft Study re Disposing Frack Wastewater in Lakes, Rivers

A year ago we told you about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launching a new study examining the possibility of treating oil and gas wastewater and (gasp) releasing the cleaned-up wastewater into lakes and rivers, instead of injecting it back down holes in the ground (see EPA Launches Study to Dispose Frack Wastewater in


New Wastewater Recycling Facility Coming in May to NEPA

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. A joint announcement between Kendra II LLC and De Nora says a new wastewater recycling facility aimed at the shale industry will go online in late May providing drillers in the “heart