
FERC Thumbs Nose at Court, Reinstates Cert for Transco REAE Pipe

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision last July vacating (nullifying) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) approval of Transco’s Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project to bring gas from Pennsylvania to New Jersey and Maryland (see DC Circuit Libs Reverse FERC Approval of Transco Northeast Expansion). On Jan. 21 (last Tuesday), the…


Williams Announces Transco Southside Reliability Now Online

On Monday, pipeline giant Williams announced it had placed into full service the Southside Reliability Enhancement Project, an important expansion and modernization of the mighty Transco pipeline network in North Carolina and Virginia. The project adds a total of 423,400 dekatherms per day (423 MMcf/d) of fully contracted pipeline capacity, providing the ability to meet…


Williams Says NatGas Demand Sky High, Full Roster of Pipe Projects

Williams delivered its third quarter update last week. The company is working overtime to expand its extensive network of natural gas pipelines. Quick fact: Did you know that Williams’ pipeline network handles about one-third of U.S. natural gas? Massive! And it’s only going to grow, according to CEO Alan Armstrong, who said: “Not only do…


3rd Circuit Sides with PA Antis’ Appeal of REAE Permits 2nd Time

Williams’ Transco Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project expands the mighty Transco pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to deliver an extra 829 MMcf/d of Marcellus gas to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. About 450,000 MMcf/d of the total capacity went online in late 2023 along Transco’s Leidy Line in Pennsylvania. Another 160 MMcf/d went…


Williams Files with FERC to Expand Mighty Transco Pipe in Southeast

Last November, MDN brought you the news that pipeline giant Williams planned to proceed with a new Transco pipeline expansion project called the Southeast Supply Enhancement Project (see Transco Expansion to Add 1.4 Bcf/d Capacity to Flow M-U Gas South). The project was estimated to flow an extra 1.43 Bcf/d (billion cubic feet per day)…


Completed Maintenance on Transco Pipe Leads to Lower Gas Prices

While there are a number of interstate pipelines that crisscross the Marcellus/Utica, there is one pipeline system that is key to moving molecules out of our region to other markets, particularly in the southeast and the Gulf Coast: Transcontinental Gas Pipeline LLC (Transco), owned by Williams. Transco stretches from the Gulf Coast to New York…


FERC Chairman Says Court “Erred” in Vacating Transco REAE Cert

Willie Phillips The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision in late July vacating (nullifying) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s approval of Transco’s Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project to bring gas from Pennsylvania to New Jersey and Maryland (see DC Circuit Libs Reverse FERC Approval of Transco Northeast Expansion). At a FERC open…


Williams Asks FERC for Emergency Cert to Keep Transco REAE Online

On July 12, Williams asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for permission to bring the final pieces of the Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project online by the end of July (see Williams Asks FERC to Place Balance of Transco REAE Online Early). On July 26, FERC granted Williams’s request to bring online the…


Pipelines to the Rescue! Delivering M-U Gas to Va. & Carolinas

Recently, we’ve told you about the coming demand for natural gas to generate electricity that data centers and artificial intelligence will need (see Big Midstream Companies Eye Data Center/AI Market for New Pipes). The left’s answer for increased power demand is to kill new data centers and ban AI (see Leftists Argue for Ban on…


FERC OKs Request to Place Balance of Transco REAE Online Early

On July 12, Williams asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for permission to bring the final pieces of the Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project online by the end of July (see Williams Asks FERC to Place Balance of Transco REAE Online Early). Then, on July 30, three extremely liberal judges from the U.S….


DC Circuit Libs Reverse FERC Approval of Transco Northeast Expansion

This is so frustrating. A panel of three extremely liberal (wildly left) Democrat judges sitting on the U.S. Court of Appeals — two appointed by Joementia and the other appointed by Lord Obama — have overturned a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approval of the $1 billion Transco Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project that…


Williams Asks FERC to Place More of Regional Energy Access Online

Williams’ Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project involves expanding the mighty Transco pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to deliver an extra 829 MMcf/d of Marcellus gas to PA, NJ, and Maryland. Part of the project was completed and went online last year (see Williams 1Q—Regional Energy Access Pipe Coming Online Early). The balance of…


Sad Day: NY Assassinates Another Williams Pipeline Project – NESE

We’re sad but not surprised. The last time we reported on Williams’ Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) Project slated for New York was last June when Williams asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a time extension to build it (see Williams Asks FERC for 3 Yr Extension to Complete NY-NJ NESE Pipe). NESE is meant…


FERC Approves Ala. Georgia Connector to Upgrade 5 Compressors

Last year, Williams filed a formal application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to upgrade Transco pipeline’s capacity in Alabama and Georgia (see Transco Seeks FERC OK to Expand Capacity in Alabama and Georgia). The Alabama Georgia Connector Project involves upgrades to five compressor stations that will increase capacity in the region by an…


Fed Court Quizzes Enviros and NJ re Williams Transco Expansion

A three-judge panel from the federal D.C. Circuit spent two hours on Friday hearing arguments for and against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) approval of Williams’ Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project. REAE is an expansion of the mighty Transco pipeline in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to deliver an extra 829 MMcf/d of Marcellus…