
NYMEX Gas Futures Price Soars to Close at $4.2580 MMBtu

Baby, it’s cold outside! And it’s getting colder beginning this weekend and moving into next week. The cold weather, combined with less natural gas in storage (less than the average), has increased the NYMEX “front month” futures contract for natural gas. Yesterday, the NYMEX price closed at $4.2580 per million British thermal units (MMBtu), the…


U.S. Begins Winter with Most Natural Gas in Storage Since 2016

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), working natural gas in storage in the Lower 48 states ended the natural gas injection season (Apr 1 – Oct 31) with 3,922 billion cubic feet (Bcf), the equivalent of 3.9 trillion cubic feet (Tcf). U.S. inventories are starting winter 2024–25 with the most natural gas since…


EIA Says Natural Gas Supply and Demand Coming Into Balance

As we’ve discussed many times before, the price for natural gas (especially the NYMEX futures price) is primarily determined by supply and demand — Economics 101. When there is too much supply with the same or less demand, prices go down. And boy, have they gone down! The problem we’ve struggled with all this year…


Analysts Predict Less NatGas Storage on the Way for End of May

The price of natural gas is, in one sense, complex, with lots of variables depending on where the gas is bought and sold. On the other hand, it can be boiled down to a simple-to-understand formula: Supply and demand. Of course, it is the factors that go into supply and demand that make it so…


Enbridge Pre-Selling Peak Storage at Dawn Hub for 2025

Canadian-based Enbridge operates, among many other assets, the Dawn Hub in the Canadian province of Ontario. Located in southwestern Ontario, Dawn, with 288 Bcf (billion cubic feet) of gas storage, provides shippers with direct access to North America’s major supply basins — including the Utica and the Marcellus. The Dawn Hub is connected to a…


PA Slaps Equitrans with $1.1M Fine for 2022 Rager Mountain Gas Leak

In November 2022, one of the ten natural gas storage wells at the Equitrans Rager Mountain Gas Storage Area in Jackson Township, Cambria County (in Pennsylvania), began to leak. Equitrans is the owner/operator of Rager Mountain. The well leaked roughly 100 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of gas into the atmosphere (see Equitrans Gas…


Equitrans Still Needs to Tidy Up at Rager Mountain Gas Leak Site

In November 2022, one of the ten natural gas storage wells at the Equitrans Rager Mountain Gas Storage Area in Jackson Township, Cambria County (in Pennsylvania), began to leak. Equitrans is the owner/operator of Rager Mountain. The well leaked roughly 100 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of gas into the atmosphere (see Equitrans Gas…


Williams Buys Gulf Storage & Pipes, Connects to Transco for LNG

Wow! That was fast! On Dec. 27, pipeline giant Williams issued a press release to announce a deal to buy six underground natural gas storage facilities located in Louisiana and Mississippi with a total capacity of 115 billion cubic feet (Bcf), as well as 230 miles of gas transmission pipeline and 30 pipeline interconnects, for…


U.S. Begins Winter with Most NatGas in Storage Since 2020

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the best number crunchers in the business, working natural gas in storage in the Lower 48 United States ended the natural gas injection season at 3,776 billion cubic feet (Bcf). The Lower 48 entered the winter heating season, which runs from November 1–March 30, with the most…


Dominion Proposes Major LNG Storage Facility in Person County, NC

Two days ago, MDN reported on a proposed LNG storage project from Dominion Energy located in Greensville County, VA, that would provide a backup supply of natural gas for two Dominion gas-fired power plants (see Dominion LNG Storage for Va. Power Plant Exempt from FERC Regs). Low and behold, Dominion has plans for another similar…


EIA Scales Back 2023 NatGas Production Estimate, Still Record-High

Once a month, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) analysts issue the agency’s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), their best guess about where energy prices and production will go in the next 12 months. Last month, the report predicted new all-time highs for natural gas production in 2023 (see EIA Boosts Prediction for Record-High NatGas Prod. 2023…


EIA Predicts Henry Hub to Avg $3.40 This Winter – Nov. STEO

Once a month, U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) analysts issue the agency’s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), their best guess about where energy prices and production will go in the next 12 months. Last month, the report predicted new all-time highs for natural gas production in 2023 (see EIA Boosts Prediction for Record-High NatGas Prod. 2023…


PA DEP Still Probing How/If to Regulate Gas Storage Wells Post-Rager

Last November, one of the ten natural gas storage wells at the Equitrans Rager Mountain Gas Storage Area in Jackson Township, Cambria County (in Pennsylvania) began to leak. The well leaked roughly 100 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of gas into the atmosphere (see Equitrans Gas Storage Well in Cambria County, PA is Leaking)….


Report: Rager Mountain Gas Storage Well Casing Failed from Corrosion

Last November, one of the ten natural gas storage wells at the Equitrans Rager Mountain Gas Storage Area in Jackson Township, Cambria County (in Pennsylvania) began to leak. The well leaked roughly 100 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of gas into the atmosphere (see Equitrans Gas Storage Well in Cambria County, PA is Leaking)….


Equitrans Relocating Two Horizontal Gas Storage Wells in Greene Co.

Equitrans Midstream owns two natural gas storage wells in the Swarts Complex and Hunters Cave Storage Fields area of Greene County, PA–in Center, Franklin, Morris, and Washington Townships. CONSOL Energy, which used to be part of CNX Resources but is now a standalone company focusing on the coal industry, plans to mine coal above and…