U.S. Rig Count Drops Another 5 Rigs, M-U Loses 2 More Rigs

For the third week in a row and the 12th time in the last 13 weeks, the U.S. active rig count lost rigs. Last week the number decreased by five rigs after falling six rigs the week before (see U.S. Rig Count Drops Another 6 Rigs, Now Lowest Level in 16 Mos.). Both the Marcellus…


PA Superior Court Tosses $2.4M Arbitration Award Against PennEnergy

This is a cautionary tale of choosing your joint venture partner carefully. The Pennsylvania Superior Court threw out a $2.4 million arbitration award against Marcellus driller PennEnergy in a business dispute in a precedential ruling last week. The Superior Court judges overruled an award by an arbitrator. PennEnergy maintained the case should never have been…


PA Bill Grants DEP Sweeping Power to Veto Projs for Enviro Justice

A group of Pennsylvania State Senators are (once again) trying to expand the swampy bureaucracy of the state Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP). A group of six Democrat state senators issued a co-sponsorship memorandum last Thursday to say they want to expand the DEP’s power to reject “facilities such as incinerators, landfills, and sewage plants”…


800,000 Tons of Drilling, Frack Waste Unaccounted for in NY-PA-OH

Researchers with the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) recently published a study in the journal Ecological Indicators. The study’s intent was to measure whether or not frack waste dumped in local landfills has radiation that is leaking out in groundwater (leachate) from those facilities. Research like this, if legitimate (and accurate), is a good thing. We…


Tenaska to Sell Responsible Gas from Olympus Energy’s 45 SWPA Wells

In a process that began in December 2021, Olympus Energy (formerly Huntley & Huntley) announced it had contracted with Project Canary to monitor methane emissions from both the company’s drilling operations and the company’s pipeline operations (see Olympus Using Proj Canary to Monitor Drilling & Pipes for Methane). Last July, Olympus achieved Project Canary certification…


Chesapeake Gets Responsible Gas Recertification for All Marcellus

Two years ago, Chesapeake Energy announced that it would seek responsible gas certification from two organizations–Equitable Origin (EO) and MiQ–to certify the production of its natural gas produced in both its Marcellus and Haynesville operations (see Chesapeake Goes Whole Hog on ESG, Certifying Gas Across 2 Basins). Yesterday Chessy announced it had received recertification from…


The Reason PA Shale Production has Flatlined? No Pipelines

Last week we told you that the shale production situation in Pennsylvania has caught the eye of the number crunchers at the U.S. Energy Information Administration (see EIA Observes M-U Gas Production Flat, Key PA Counties in Decline). Production in PA, overall, is flat and possibly decreasing. Nationally, production is up in other plays and…


EIA Observes M-U Gas Production Flat, Key PA Counties in Decline

The analysts at the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) have been looking at natural gas production in the Marcellus/Utica (i.e., Appalachia) for 2022. The M-U is the largest-producing natural gas shale play in the world. Pennsylvania is the second-largest producer of natural gas in the U.S. after Texas. The EIA looked at PA’s production, specifically…


Thorny Issue of Who Owns O&G Rights Under PA Roads – Strip & Gore

For years we’ve railed against what we consider the theft of royalties and bonus payments by the state of Pennsylvania from landowners with creeks and rivers running through their leased (for shale drilling) property. The Pennsylvania Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) claims that under a centuries-old law, the state of PA “owns” the…


PA DEP Sec. Negrin Sucks Up to Radical Anti-Drillers on Conf Call

What a disappointment Rich Negrin has turned out to be as Secretary of the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection. During a DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting held yesterday in Harrisburg (and remotely, via teleconference), several virulent anti-fossil fuelers addressed the council, making wild claims against the DEP. Negrin simply accepted their babbling and told them…


Bidenistas Dispense $163 Million to Plug Old O&G Wells in OH-PA-WV

In the fall of 2021, President Biden signed into law the so-called Infrastructure bill, some $1.2 trillion in pork barrel spending, passed with the help of turncoat Republicans (see Biden So-Called $1.2T Infrastructure Bill Passes Thanks to RINOs). Only about 9% of the $1.2 trillion will go to actual infrastructure projects like roads and bridges….


PA DEP Tees Up 46 Pages of New Safety Regs for Shale Drillers

Pennsylvania has a crazy quilt patchwork of regulations that apply to unconventional (shale) drillers. Many of those regulations come from various divisions inside the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP). However, there are other agencies where regs apply to shale too. Take, for example, the requirement to meet all of the confusing (sometimes contradictory) regulations related…


U.S. Rig Count Down 9th Week in a Row, M-U Holds, Haynesville -6

The weekly rig count for the U.S. has continued to be anemic for over two months now. With its venerable rig count, Baker Hughes reported last Friday that overall, the U.S. rig count continued to bleed rigs–down another eight rigs to 674 in the week ending June 30. That’s the lowest count since April 2022,…


PA House Votes 102-101 to Study Marcellus-Busting Severance Tax

Pennsylvania’s Democrat Party is hellbent on driving the Marcellus Shale industry out of the state. They have been for years. That’s just a truthful observation and beyond dispute. The latest evidence is the party’s insistence on adding a severance tax on top of the existing impact fee, PA’s version of a severance tax. The Dems…


Enviro Groups Pressure PA Gov. Shapiro for Right to Block CCS

So sick with hatred for fossil fuels is the left, that they have turned on one of their own solutions to the “climate crisis,” which is capturing and storing (or sequestering) carbon dioxide, often shortened to CCS (carbon capture and sequestration). The left fears that successful CCS will lead to continued, or even (gasp) an…