shale gas

DRBC Injustice: Time for Harrisburg to Get Woke and Stay Frosty!

Betty SutliffWayne County LandownerUDRBC Secretary   Betty Sutliff, retired public school teacher and UDRBC secretary provides a lesson on the DRBC injustice, getting woke, staying frosty and other Millennial stuff. According to Steven Pratt, B.A. English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language, at the University of Utah, to be “woke” means you know what’s


Tom Wolf’s Severance Tax Threatens to Destroy, Not Restore, PA

Gina SuydamPresidentWyoming County Chamber of Commerce … … Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf says he wants to “Restore PA” with a severance tax that will only destroy what the Commonwealth has gained from natural gas. Natural gas is revitalizing Wyoming County. As a lifelong resident of Tunkhannock and now in my role representing the county’s business