
Solar Stooge Kathy Hochul Burns Farm Preservation Rulebook

Solar Stooge Kathy Hochul Burns Farm Preservation Rulebook Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Rules of wokeness ever evolve. Yesterday’s pet cause is tomorrow’s dog to be kicked away and solar stooge Kathy Hochul is now kicking away farmland preservation.] I have


Philadelphia Has A Great Future, If We But Welcome It – Part III

Garland L. Thompson, Esq.Journalist and Author, Philadelphia [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson and his associate John Linder lay out an extremely compelling case for the Philadelphia economy if only it will have it.] On the eve of a new presidential administration, my colleagues and I on the downstream end of the business decided to send out


Philadelphia Has A Great Future, If We But Welcome It – Part II

Garland L. Thompson, Esq.Journalist and Author, Philadelphia [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson and his associate John Linder lay out an extremely compelling case for the Philadelphia economy if only it will have it.] On the eve of a new presidential administration, my colleagues and I on the downstream end of the business decided to send out


Philadelphia Has A Great Future, If We But Welcome It – Part I

Garland L. Thompson, Esq.Journalist and Author, Philadelphia [Editor’s Note: Garland Thompson and his associate John Linder lay out an extremely compelling case for the Philadelphia economy if only it will have it.] On the eve of a new presidential administration, my colleagues and I on the downstream end of the business decided to send out