Renewable Energy Subsidies

Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy

Electric Prices Skyrocket with Gruesome Green Energy Policy  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe has descended into an energy crisis attributable to green energy foolishness that left it vulnerable to Russian blackmail sending electric prices soaring and Biden is following like a lamb to the slaughter.] Power prices are expected to increase as the price


Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game

Coal, Ironically, Is the Winner in the Green New Deal Game  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Coal is the winner in the Green New Deal sweepstakes because politicians have bought into the global warming grifting scam, which has destroyed energy security.] Politicians and environmentalists claim an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but in


Manchin Taken for A Ride by Chuckie Schumer?

Manchin Taken for A Ride by Chuckie Schumer?  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Is Joe Manchin a “third way” guy, a sellout or just another damned politician taken for a ride by unprincipled sleazy fellow Democrat Chuckie Schumer?] Senator Joe Manchin is seeking a bill on permitting reform this fiscal year that could help accelerate


Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate!

Europe Energy Policy A Bug, Not A Feature; So, Don’t Imitate  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Europe is facing a massive energy crisis precipitated by absolutely insane, but perfectly politically correct, energy policies that should never be emulated.] But that is exactly what President Biden is doing. Europe’s move toward decarbonization 30 years ago has


Renewable Energy Is the Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go!

Renewable Energy: A Corporatist Rat Hole Where Your Taxes Go  ... … … [Editor’s Note: Renewable energy corporatists are grabbing billions of our dollars under the Biden-Manchin-Schumer inflation act, which also raises natural gas prices.] The Federal government has already spent well over $100 billion on renewable credits for electricity production since their enactment three


Subsidies Are Going to Renewables Not Fossil Fuels!

So, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: This is a long overdue analysis of who is getting the big energy subsidies from taxpayers and it isn’t fossil fuels. No, green goes to green.] In an executive order, President Biden directed federal agencies to “eliminate fossil fuel subsidies as consistent with applicable law.” It was not


Joe Biden, If Elected, Would Ruin America’s Energy System

 ... … … Editor’s Note: It’s unclear if Joe Biden has a clear idea about anything, but he certainly doesn’t understand energy or anything about how it’s produced. In his debate with President Trump on October 22, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden said he would rid the nation of oil and gas—“over time, over