Permitting Reform Needed For All Energy Sources, So Why Is Biden Administration Threatening to Veto HR1?

A legislative package (H.R. 1) making its way through the U.S. House would streamline permitting of energy projects, increase domestic energy production, ensure reliable energy supplies and reduce emissions – all things that have been deemed critical on both sides of the aisle. Despite this, the Biden administration is already threatening to veto H.R. 1


What’s New With New Jersey’s electrification push?

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) is taking a second look at electrification as part of his new plans to accelerate the state’s climate ambitions and secure his title as “America’s greenest governor.” But his willingness to remove natural gas from homes and the state’s energy portfolio disregards affordable and reliable energy production at a


Appellate Judge Lays Out Compelling Case for Why Supreme Court Needs to Get Involved in Climate Litigation Cases

As petitions asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review whether climate lawsuits against American energy companies belong in federal or state court continue to stack up, a federal appellate judge has called on the high court to get involved. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit issued a long-anticipated ruling on the jurisdictional question yesterday in Minnesota’s climate lawsuit. And


EIA: U.S. To Remain Net Energy Exporter Through 2050

The Energy Information Administration’s 2023 Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) projects U.S. energy production to remain high, exports to grow, and natural gas consumption to remain stable as renewable energies integrate onto the grid through 2050. The combination of increased energy efficiency, including upgrades from simple cycle natural gas turbines to combined cycle natural gas turbines,


EU Places Confidence in U.S. LNG

The European Union continues to place its confidence in natural gas, announcing it will increase its number of LNG import terminals from 27 to 35 by next year.  The recent announcement by Vice-President of the European Commission, Maroš Šefčovič, will significantly increase the EU’s regasification capacity from 178 billion cubic meters a year (bcm/year) to


Act of Cooking, Not Fuel Responsible for Indoor Air Quality Says New Report

Claims that natural gas stoves are harming residential health are unrealistic and undermining decision-making aimed toward protecting human health, according to a recent report published by Catalyst Environmental Solutions (CES) and commissioned by the California Restaurant Association and the California Building Industry Association. The analysis finds natural gas is, “not a significant determinant of residential


Healthy Oil and Natural Gas Industry Good for America

Domestic oil and natural gas production is pivotal in meeting energy demand, decreasing emissions, and safeguarding energy security at home and abroad, said Independent Petroleum Association of America President & CEO Jeff Eshelman while delivering the keynote address at the recent Ohio Oil & Gas Association annual meeting in Columbus. .@IPAAaccess’s @jeffeshelman emphasizes the #oilandgas


Ohio’s Fourth Quarter Report Shows Oil Production on the Upswing

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) recently published 2022 fourth quarter production totals that showed oil production reached nearly 5.9 million barrels this past quarter and is up 33 percent over the fourth quarter of 2021 and 16 percent over the third quarter of 2022. The state currently ranks 12th in the nation for


Natural Gas Part of Solution To Policy-Driven Retirements That Are Threatening Firm Capacity In PJM’s Market

Mandated retirements of thermal generation and a backlogged review process for new entries on the grid is hurting PJM Interconnection’s ability to meet growing demand through 2030 and threatening reliability in the nation’s largest interconnected market, according to a recently published PJM report. The solution: more natural gas and renewables. Natural Gas To Support Renewables


Draft Emissions Inventory Shows U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Methane Emissions Continue to Decline

Methane emissions continue to decrease in the United States, according to data in the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2023 draft Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (GHGI). Even as the industry sets production records, methane emissions from petroleum and natural gas systems have continued their downward trend –nearly 9 percent since 2005 and 4


IEA: Projected EU Supply-Demand Gap Highlights Need for American LNG Production

The United States is uniquely poised to fill the natural gas gap in Europe using existing infrastructure, while helping the bloc meet their climate targets, according to a recent International Energy Agency report. The report, which focuses on the natural gas supply-demand balance of the European Union in 2023, underscores the shifting supply and demand


Polis Gets It Wrong On Natural Gas

Back in 2019 when the highly contentious SB-181 – a complete overhaul of Colorado’s oil and natural gas regulations – was signed into law, Gov. Jared Polis declared it symbolized an end to “the oil and gas wars that have enveloped our state.” But now, just shy of four years later, it’s become clear he’s


Activists Slow Roll Federal and State Projects In Ohio

The process for building new energy-related infrastructure projects can take years because of the extensive environmental reviews and public comment periods that are required before any permits can be issued. That’s true for oil and gas, renewable projects, pipelines and transmission lines. Whether it’s through litigation after exhaustive National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews have


Report: Proponents of Gas Stove Bans Are Working With Government Officials

Environmental groups and electrification supporters are working with local government officials to pass natural gas bans in their communities, according to new emails uncovered by Energy Policy Advocates and reported by The Washington Times. The emails shed light on the national campaign and coordination behind the scenes as anti-natural gas activists have targeted government officials