A Domestic Attack on Consumer Choice – DOE’s Attempt to Take Americans’ Gas Stoves

The Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing regulations to establish energy performance standards for cooking appliances that would remove 50-96 percent of natural gas stoves from the market, and further the “electrify everything” crowd’s goal to restrict and eliminate the use of natural gas in buildings. The initiative directly compromises U.S. consumers’ freedom of choice,


Electrification Disadvantages Energy Insecure Homes

Energy insecure homes spend more on energy costs than the average household, a gap that will likely widen with the increasing electrification of homes. The Cost of Energy Insecurity The Energy Information Agency’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey found that 34 million households (27 percent of all U.S. households) identify as energy insecure, and are more


Windfall Tax Case Study

On the one-year anniversary of the United Kingdom’s windfall tax announcement, Energy in Depth examines the negative impact the tax has had on the North Sea oil and gas industry and continued investment. The policy, which effectively brings the total tax on oil and natural gas production in the United Kingdom to 75 percent, has


Another Peer-Reviewed Study Debunks Causal Relationship Between Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma

There is not sufficient evidence demonstrating causal relationships between cooking on gas stoves, indoor NO2, and asthma in children, according to a new published peer-reviewed study analyzing 66 epidemiology studies. The study – Gas Cooking and Respiratory Outcomes in Children: A Systematic Review – was funded by the American Gas Association and found the studies


Biden Administration Exporting California’s Misguided Policies Despite National Security Risk

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed new GHG standards for vehicle emissions that would effectively force the transition to electric vehicles nationwide. Specifically, the proposal aims to rapidly transition the auto industry away from gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles, and have electric cars account for more than two-thirds of new car sales by 2032. Additionally,


Federal Court Overturns Berkeley Natural Gas Ban

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit just overturned California’s first natural gas ban – an ordinance passed by the City of Berkeley in 2019 – ruling that it is preempted by federal law. “The panel held that the Energy Policy and Conservation Act preempts the Berkeley ordinance. The panel wrote that, in


Momentum Builds for SCOTUS To Take Up Climate Case As the Clock Ticks

Energy companies shot back at the Biden administration’s decision to side with cities and states suing the industry over climate change last week, calling the federal government’s 180 move to support state jurisdiction “shot through with flaws” and driven by “a desire to signal virtue to political bedfellows,” as E&E News reports. The administration’s Solicitor General, at the order of the


U.S. Industry can address OPEC+ Supply Cuts If Allowed

The OPEC+ surprise announcement to cut oil production 1.16 million barrels per day (bpd) shows that global market dynamics are again the deciding role in oil prices as the per barrel price in the United States spiked 5.31 percent to $84.13 a barrel. The price increase accounts for the largest rise in almost a year


Biden NHTSA Nominee Bundled Funds from Leonardo DiCaprio, Others for Climate Litigation

Last week, Fox News reported that Ann Carlson – former UCLA environmental law professor and a primary fundraiser for climate lawsuits – has been nominated by President Biden to serve as Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Carlson’s nomination is before the Senate Commerce Committee, where her transportation safety record – or lack


New Hampshire Rejects CCI-Sponsored Cliamte Litigation Resolution

Earlier this month, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted against a measure that would have encouraged state leaders to sue American energy companies over climate change damages. The effort appears to have been coordinated by the Center for Climate Integrity, the activist group working behind (and in front of) the scenes to drive similar litigation across the


North Dakota Judge Orders DOI to Hold Lease Sale In State

The American people were just dealt a partial win in securing the energy future. A federal judge in North Dakota ruled that the Department of the Interior (DOI) did not have the right to stop North Dakota oil and gas lease sales on public land. The ruling came from U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Traynor


Arapahoe County Hearing Shows Strong Community Support for Oil and Gas Development

Arapahoe County residents and community groups showed up in force to speak in support of continued energy production at a hearing this week to consider a six-month moratorium on new oil and gas permits. The community’s large show of support from many area residents shows that Colorado’s industry-leading regulations allow energy production to proceed without