Pa. Health Study Finds ‘No Associations’ Between Natural Gas Development and Childhood Cancers

A new study attempting to blame natural gas development for negative health outcomes largely shows the opposite: that no linkage exists between fracking, adverse birth outcomes, and nearly all of the cancers studied. The study, released by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, is the result of a four-year, multi-million-dollar taxpayer-funded venture commissioned to study


Biden Administration’s Latest Gas Appliance Target: Gas Boilers

The Department of Energy proposed a new rule on natural gas boilers two weeks after the DC Circuit Court vacated DOE’s earlier proposal for “[failing] to offer a sufficient explanation in response to the comments [from petitioners] challenging a key assumption in its analysis.” While the administration continues to say it isn’t banning residential natural


New Polling Shows Americans Concerned with Electricity Reliability And Affordability

Americans have identified reliability and affordability as top energy priorities, and are increasingly concerned about the potential impact on both from renewable-only energy policies, according to a new poll published by Morning Consult and conducted on behalf of the Electric Power Supply Association. Approximately half of the 2,205 respondents say their reliability unease has grown


Five Facts On RMI’s Flawed Natural Gas Leakage Rate Study

Claims that the leakage rate of natural gas wells and infrastructure make the resource worse for the environment than coal are once again circulating – and using the same debunked methodology as previous research by Food and Water Watch board member and Cornell professor Robert Howarth. In the latest study, RMI is moving the needle


Eugene Repeals Its Gas Ban For Fear of Public Rejection

Eugene, Oregon’s city council recently repealed its ordinance banning natural gas in homes before the issue could come to a vote in November. The decision comes weeks after two polls show a lack of interest in banning natural gas across adults nationwide, and months after the Ninth Circuit Court overruled Berkeley’s natural gas ban, which


D.C. Circuit Court Rejects DOE’s De Facto Ban On Natural Gas Boilers

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has vacated the Department of Energy’s efficiency standards for commercial boilers. According to the panel of judges, “the DOE again failed to offer a sufficient explanation in response to the comments [from petitioners] challenging a key assumption in its analysis.” Assumptions Come Undone This is


Domestic Production Necessary To Address OPEC Production Cuts Through 2024

OPEC+ and Saudi Arabia’s oil production cuts will impact global oil price and American consumers. While the Biden administration has called these cuts short-sighted, it has failed to plan for the long term and consider the value of domestic production for Americans and global consumers. Short Term Impact Saudi Arabia will unilaterally shut in 1


Indoor Air Quality High on Fright Factor, Low on Actual Findings

Proponents of restricting consumer choice continue to use flawed methodology and scare tactics to convince the public gas stoves are a danger. The latest effort is a study conducted by researchers from Stanford University that has released similarly flawed research on gas stoves previously. When put under scrutiny, the studies are not as thoroughly researched


Natural Gas Reduces Water Consumption In Power Generation

Natural gas-fired power plants are not only more energy efficient than traditional sources, but have significantly reduced water consumption in electricity generation over the last decade, according to a recent analysis from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Water plays a key role in power generation as it is used for cooling steam from the thermoelectric


Proposed Colorado Building Regulation Targets Gas Appliances

Colorado state regulators are set to consider a new proposal targeting gas appliances this August – the latest in a wave of state and local initiatives that have cropped up across the country. The $2.6 billion building upgrade rule before the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission would force building owners to comply with a bevy


Early Power Retirements Contributing to Energy Scarcity This Summer Warns NERC

Summer is here and the North American Reliability Corporation (NERC) warns that two-thirds of the United States can see energy shortages if demand surpasses normal summer peak demand. According to NERC’s 2023 Summer Reliability Assessment, the growing gap between available supply and peak demand is caused by the early retirements of firm generating capacity, including


First Onshore Oil and Gas Lease Sale in 11 Months Auctions at $79 million

The Biden administration held its first onshore oil and gas lease sale of the year in May, nearly a year after the last auction and eight months after provisions within the Inflation Reduction Act mandated that sales continue. Total 2023 onshore lease sales are significantly curtailed from years prior, and with no finalized 2023-2028 Proposed


Gas Stoves Protected In Not One, But Two Bipartisan House Votes

There is a new development in the gas stove ban saga. Two bills protecting gas stoves from federal bans recently passed through the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support as twenty-nine Democrats voted in favor of both Republican-sponsored pieces of legislation –  H.R.1615, the “Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act” and H.R. 1640, “Save