Government Shutdown Would Negatively Impact U.S. Oil, Natural Gas Production

From Americans sent home without pay for an unknown amount of time to the shutdown of most government services, a federal shutdown could have far-reaching consequences across the country, including to our nation’s energy security. It’s no secret that under the Biden administration, there has been increased uncertainty for producers developing oil and natural gas


Long-Time Climate and “Keep it in the Ground” Activist Bill McKibben Coming to Pennsylvania

Bill McKibben, long-time climate activist and co-founder of “Keep It In the Ground” organization, is coming to the heart of natural gas country for the Pennsylvania Climate Convergence conference on Saturday. McKibben has previously stated he’s on a mission to “kill” the oil and natural gas industry and has compared the industry to “the


Midyear Outlook: Ohio Soaring to New Oil Heights While Natural Gas on the Rise

“Ohio will likely set a new record for oil production this year,” according to Chief of the Division of Oil and Gas Resources Management for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Eric Vendel. The comments were made at the National Association of Royalty Owners-Ohio’s conference in Cambridge in September, and reflect data from the ODNR


Oversight Hearing Puts Spotlight on Climate Litigation Financing

In a wide-ranging, nearly four-hour hearing this Wednesday, members of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform took a deep dive into the shadowy third-party litigation financing industry and the ethical issues that arise when well-funded activists manipulate the civil justice system. While some members of the Committee framed this potentially ethically-challenged financing method as providing


2023 Environmental Partnership Report Showcases Industry Innovation in Reducing Methane

The U.S. oil and natural gas industry continues to drive methane reductions across the supply chain, making progress across key performance categories even as production increased, according to data released by the Environmental Partnership in their fifth annual report.   The Partnership, a voluntary initiative representing nearly 70 percent of U.S. onshore oil and gas operations,


U.S. Power Grids Saved By Natural Gas, Again

Grid reliability – driven by natural gas – is paramount to ensuring equitable, affordable access to energy for Americans across the United States, especially those living in areas prone to extreme weather events.   This summer, many parts of the United States. saw record-breaking temperatures, which increased demand. Peak demand, alongside the shift towards electrification,


FERC Chairman: Natural Gas Is Critical for Future Energy System

Natural gas is a critical component of the future energy system, according to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Willie L. Phillips. Chairman Phillips, a Biden appointee, made the remarks at the Gastech Conference – the leading LNG global event – in Singapore this week, explaining: “This convening of global energy leaders at Gastech in Singapore



The oil and gas industry continues to deliver record-breaking revenue for New Mexico and will reach unprecedented levels in Fiscal Year 25. The Albuquerque Journal details this  record revenue: “Fueled by an incredible oil and gas boom and strong consumer spending, New Mexico’s financial reserves reached about 52 percent of ongoing state spending this summer


GOP Candidates Embrace Domestic Energy Production in First Debate

American energy production was top of mind at the GOP debate in Milwaukee as several candidates voiced support of the oil and natural gas industry. While no question was asked specifically by the moderators about American energy, many of the candidates pointed to unleashing domestic energy production as a means to increase energy security and


Here We Go Again…Anti-Fracking Group Peddles Junk Science, Discounts Massive Benefits Natural Gas Has on Appalachia

Benjamin Franklin once said: “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes” – that, and that the “Keep It In the Ground” Ohio River Valley Group will use junk science to peddle misinformation discounting the massive benefits natural gas has on the Appalachian region. Important reminder: The Ohio River Valley Group (ORVI) is


To Meet Demand, California Delays Closure of Natural Gas Plants (Again)

Over the last three years, California lawmakers and regulators have struggled to balance energy security with the state’s aggressive decarbonization agenda. Nowhere is this more evident than California’s repeated attempts to remove – and then reinstate – natural gas from the state’s power generation mix, all at the expense of consumers. In the latest episode