Year in Review: Natural Gas Bans

Natural gas bans have been a hot-button issue through 2023 year since the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) stated that it was considering banning natural gas stoves in January. While the Biden administration and agency officials have publicly backtracked on their desire to ban gas stoves, their actions and regulations over the year show their


Another One Bites the Dust: Fishermen’s Association Drops Climate Lawsuit

Weeks after a federal judge in California ruled a climate lawsuit brought by the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations belongs in federal court, the group has voluntarily dismissed its case. It appears that the plaintiff and its law firm Sher Edling would rather dismiss the case than risk an unfavorable defeat in federal court. The move represents


Polling Finds People Will Only ‘Electrify Everything’ If They Don’t Actually Have to Electrify Everything

A recent poll from Yale’s Program on Climate Change Communications shows yet again that Americans want to continue cooking with gas. Only 31 percent support going all electric and abandoning their gas stoves, furnaces, and other appliances. But the environmentalists at the publication Grist tried to spin this into qualified support for electrification. Their headline


Ohio Finally Opens Energy Development Under State Lands

After more than a decade in the making, the Ohio Oil and Gas Land Management Commission (OGLM) voted today to allow for the safe development of oil and natural gas resources under the surface of state-owned lands and parks. This is a win for landowners and their right to develop private minerals close to and


Guess Who’s Back (Back Again): Researcher Once Again Relies on Debunked Research to Make Same Incorrect Lifecycle Emissions Claims

Democratic lawmakers are citing a not yet peer-reviewed or published study from a biased researcher with a history of flawed work to justify their calls to stop permitting new LNG export facilities in the United States.  The research from Cornell University Professor Bob Howarth claims that when considering the lifecycle emissions of LNG, natural gas


COP28: Germany and the EU Buck Calls to End Fossil Fuel Use

Germany and the European Union answered calls to sign on to a pact calling for a fossil fuel phaseout during preparatory talks on COP28 this week with a resounding “no”, delivering a blow to efforts calling for the immediate and hasty scale down of essential oil and gas resources.   The High Ambition Coalition (HAC),


Industry Pushes Back On Continued Offshore Leasing Obstruction

Trade groups including the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) submitted comments this week to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) urging the Biden administration to remove continued barriers to offshore energy production.   Arguing that offshore leasing in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is critically important to American


Alarmist Headline by Activist Outlet Lacks Context on Produced Water

A new analysis by Inside Climate News attempting to quantify produced water spills in Texas should be viewed with a heavy dose of caution. The analysis lacks a clear methodology, makes misleading assumptions without context, ignores industry best practices, and was authored by an activist outlet with a history of anti-fracking biases.  Inside Climate News


Petroleum and You: Oil and Gas Products Are Integral to Halloween

From frightening plastic masks to elaborate lawn scenes, decorations and props ensure that Halloween remains the spookiest time of the year. However, many may not realize that oil and gas products play an essential role in helping people transform their homes and selves for Halloween. Oil and gas products are critical to various components of


COP28: Energy Transition Without Oil and Gas Industry Doomed to Fail

Environmental activists continue to try to set the narrative that the upcoming COP28 summit and push for a clean energy transition won’t be successful because of influence from the oil and gas industry. But the truth is the opposite: an energy transition without the oil and gas industry is what is doomed to fail. In