Public Lands

Activists Slow Roll Federal and State Projects In Ohio

The process for building new energy-related infrastructure projects can take years because of the extensive environmental reviews and public comment periods that are required before any permits can be issued. That’s true for oil and gas, renewable projects, pipelines and transmission lines. Whether it’s through litigation after exhaustive National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews have


Newsom Fracking and Oil Ban Will Make California Ever Less Self-Reliant

germany … …[Editor’s Note: There are so, so many awful governors with no moral compass other than political correctness and control. Gavin Newsom is among the worst.] California Governor Gavin Newsom recently ordered state agencies to stop issuing new fracking permits by 2024 and to look for ways to phase out oil extraction by 2045, despite his


Study Finds “Significant Fiscal and Economic Losses” for Western States Under a Federal Lands Fracking Ban

A fracking ban on federal lands like the one advocated by the Biden presidential campaign would severely harm the economies of eight western states, according to a new study by the Wyoming Energy Authority. The report’s author, University of Wyoming Professor Tim Considine, came to a grim conclusion: “Over all this study finds that there