
Poll: Only 4% of NY Puts Environmental Threats at the Top

Poll: Only 4% of NY Puts Environmental Threats at the Top Roger Caiazza (on the subject of) Independent Researcher and Publisher, Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York   … [Editor’s Note: Net zero hits rock bottom as stunning Sienna College poll shows only 4% of New Yorkers agree environment threats should be the primary concern of


New Poll: Natural Gas Still the Top Choice for Cooking

Natural gas has long been a critical component of our energy mix, and U.S. consumers recognize the value of an environmentally friendly resource that is both reliable and affordable. As cities begin to consider bans on natural gas connections in new buildings, however, a new Morning Consult poll reflects a distinct split in public opinion


Polling Continues to Show Voters Support Fracking

Energy, and specifically what role natural gas will play in America’s future, is an increasingly important topic this election cycle, as is evident in the many polls conducted in recent months. As a result, energy-rich swing states have received increased focus as we get closer to November, and as one recent survey confirms, voters and


Only Thing Misleading Public On Climate Liability Is New Climate Liability Poll

A new poll claims to show that a majority of registered voters would support holding energy companies liable “if it could be proven that they misled the public about the consequences of climate change.” However, the survey, which was conducted by progressive pollster YouGov Blue and commissioned by “left-leaning think tank” Data for Progress, lacks