PJM grid

Natural Gas: The Indispensable Fuel for Energy Security

Natural Gas: The Indispensable Fuel for Energy Security Ed Ireland Energy Economist and Writer at edireland.substack.com … … [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post regarding indispensable natural gas from our friend Ed Ireland at “Thoughts about Energy and Economics.” It is a reader-supported publication, so please go there, “Like” it, share it with friends


PJM Grid Subject to Texas Style Blackouts If We Go Too Green

Gordon TombSenior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation .. …. [Editor’s Note: The PJM grid is at great risk. It is threatened by the green virtue signaling of politicians such as Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf.] With Green New Dealers running Washington, D.C., and Gov. Tom Wolf pushing so-called green energy from Harrisburg, questions must be asked about the development