Almost two weeks ago Equitrans Midstream sent a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requesting they be allowed to restart construction on the Mountain Valley Pipeline, construction which has been suspended since October 2019 (see Equitrans Asks FERC to Allow MVP Construction Restart This Week). So far FERC has not granted the request.
This one was easy to predict. Back in August we told you that the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project was attempting to buy some love from the radical anti-fossil left by donating $19.5 million to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy to “conserve land along the Trail corridor and support outdoor recreation-based economies in Virginia and West
There’s a new twist in the ongoing situation (a mountain created from a molehill) in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Enbridge built and wants to bring online a compressor station that will push an extra 132,705 Dth/d (132.7 MMcf/d) of natural gas along the Algonquin Gas Transmission pipeline. During testing to bring the compressor station online, Enbridge experienced
ethane carrier The Marcellus/Utica region has far more ethane production than we can use–even if the mighty Shell and PTT cracker plants were both in-service and operating. In fact, ethane is still (for many M-U drillers) a waste product that must be blended with natural gas or otherwise disposed of. Drillers are paying to get
Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM, 1600 AM, 104.1 FM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about Canadian railway to Alaska, landowner leases, Atlantic storms and much more last week. The Shale Gas News has grown again to the
Score a minor victory for the forces of evil. As we reported yesterday, two days ago Enbridge’s Weymouth, Massachusetts compressor station, about to come online, experienced a second emergency shutdown (see 2nd Emergency Shutdown at Weymouth, MA Compressor, Antis Pounce). The plant had to vent what amounted to a puff of natural gas. Yet antis
Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) DEP dramatically ordered a rerouting of Mariner East after Marsh Creek but DEP earlier ordered what failed and now blames Energy Transfer. It could have been avoided. The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) has no one to blame but themselves for what happened at Marsh Creek Lake in
On Tuesday Equitrans Midstream sent the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) an official letter (called a filing) politely requesting FERC get off its collective rear end and grant permission to resume construction activities for Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) so they can complete certain kinds of work before winter sets in. Equitrans requested an order allowing
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. …. Nick DeIuliis, the straight-talk CEO of CNX Resources and Shawn Steffee of Boilermakers Local 154 provide some great insight on energy politics! It’s impossible not to be impressed with Nick DeIuliis, the CEO of CNX Resources. He’s clearly not the typical corporate CEO, hiding behind a wall of
Williams’ Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline, a 200-mile greenfield pipeline from northeastern to southeastern PA where it joins the Transco Pipeline, went online in October 2018 (see FERC Approves Atlantic Sunrise for Startup! Pipe Opens Sat. Oct. 6). Shippers on Atlantic Sunrise include Cabot Oil & Gas, Seneca Resources, and Range Resources. Yesterday the Pennsylvania Dept. of
Yesterday the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued modified permits for the Mariner East 2 pipeline project in three southeast PA locations (Delaware and Chester counties). Each location has faced problems with underground horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The modifications allow a different type of installation method to be used–open trench.This post appeared first on
Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) Snitz Creek is falsely reported by StateImpactPA as the site of pollution problems related to Mariner East but it’s all a matter of shilling. We don’t know if StateImpactPA “reporters” are just sloppy in their reporting, or if they intentionally lie. Either way, it doesn’t look good for StateImpactPA. PBS reporter
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. …. …. Rep. Danielle “Karen” Otten is a radical Mariner East opponent and has, once again, stepped in it by trespassing on private property. Wikipedia is hardly a reliable source but does provide insights into the thinking or lack thereof behind trendy language; modern slang such as “Karen,” for example.
Bill desRosiersExternal Affairs Coordinator, Cabot Oil & Gas … … The Shale Gas News, heard every Saturday at 10 AM on 94.3 FM, 1510 AM, 1600 AM, 104.1 FM and Sundays on YesFM, talked about natural gas pipelines, Russia, Saudi Aramco and much more last week. The Shale Gas News has grown again to the Williamsport area
Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. Germany Just Can’t seem to Get It Right It seems Vladimir Putin keeps poisoning people but, as Dan Markind points out