Williams Asks FERC for Emergency Cert to Keep Transco REAE Online

On July 12, Williams asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for permission to bring the final pieces of the Regional Energy Access Expansion (REAE) project online by the end of July (see Williams Asks FERC to Place Balance of Transco REAE Online Early). On July 26, FERC granted Williams’s request to bring online the…


Onerous New Regs for PA Liquids Pipes, Landmen Go Live in November

In 2019, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) began formulating new regulations for intrastate pipelines transporting gasoline, petroleum, crude oil, and natural gas liquids like ethane. In July 2021, the PUC finally published a draft of new regulations (see PA PUC Proposes New Regs for Pipelines—Landmen Must be Licensed). The onerous regulations landed with a…


Antis Attack Iroquois Plan to Expand Connecticut Compressor Stn

Iroquois Gas Transmission’s Enhancement by Compression (ExC) project would increase horsepower at three compression stations — two in New York and one in Connecticut — by an extra 125 MMcf/d, to flow more Marcellus/Utica gas into New York City and New England. The two NY compressors include one in Dover and one in Athens. The…


FERC Gives OK to Start Building ETNG System Alignment in TN, NC

In March of this year, MDN brought the news that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) had approved an Enbridge project to update its East Tennessee Natural Gas (ETNG) pipeline system (see FERC Approves East Tenn. NatGas System Alignment in NC, TN, VA). The project is referred to as the ETNG System Alignment Program Project….


Williams Adding 4.2 Bcf/d of New NatGas Pipes 2024-2027, More Later

The CEO of midstream giant Williams, Alan Armstrong, spoke at the Barclays CEO Energy-Power Conference yesterday. He gave conference attendees an update on the many (many!) projects Williams has recently completed, is currently completing, and is likely to complete in the future. The company is on track, said Armstrong, to add 12 new pipeline projects…


3 NatGas Pipes Serving Maine Seek Rate Increase of 30-50%

The State of Maine has a completely unrealistic climate goal of using 80% renewable energy generation by 2030. It 100% won’t happen. But state officials continue to fart around pretending they will hit that goal. Meanwhile, back in the real world, natural gas remains THE key energy source for the state, generating more than half…


MVP Water Pressure Test Rupture Mystery Solved: Defective Weld

On May 1, a section of the 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) ruptured during final pressure testing in Roanoke County, Virginia (see Section of MVP Ruptures Near Roanoke Under Water Pressure Test). An independent metallurgical test identified a defective weld in an elbow joint as a cause of the failure. No internal or external corrosion…


West Virginia NatGas Production Hits New Highs with MVP Startup

Earlier this month, MDN brought you the important news that just one month after the mighty Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) went online, natural gas production in the State of West Virginia increased more than 9% (see WV Marcellus Production Up 9.5% in One Month Thanks to MVP). We now have data for another full month of…


Dominion Open House for New 45-Mile Pipeline in North Carolina

In February, MDN told you about Dominion Energy’s filing to build a new 45-mile pipeline to connect Equitrans’ (now EQT’s) MVP Southgate pipeline project with Duke Energy’s planned new natural gas power plants on Hyco Lake’s southern shore (see Dominion Energy Announces New 45-Mile Pipeline for North Carolina). As part of the process of building…


Range Water Line Burst and Sent a PIG Flying Through the Air

We bet you never thought that old idiom about pigs flying was true. In this case, it is! Range Resources operates a temporary above-ground water pipeline in Mount Pleasant Township (Washington County), PA. The pipeline (essentially a giant water hose) flows Ohio River water to Range’s fracking sites. Range sent a PIG (pipeline inspection gauge)…


The Biggest Customers for More M-U NatGas in VA, NC, SC

Last week, MDN brought you an article from RBN Energy detailing how more electricity and natural gas will soon be needed in Virginia and the Carolinas for a plethora of new projects in the works (see Pipelines to the Rescue! Delivering M-U Gas to Va. & Carolinas). That post focused on two pipelines that flow…


DC Circuit’s Contradictory Decisions in FERC Pipeline Approvals

The United States has 13 courts of appeals, also known as U.S. Courts of Appeals, that sit below the U.S. Supreme Court. These courts are organized into 12 regional circuits, each with a court of appeals, that cover the 94 federal judicial districts. One of the 13 courts — for the District of Columbia —…


ET $300M Lawsuit v. Big Green Pipe Violence Gets Court Hearing

A lawsuit being heard this summer is designed to hold Big Green groups responsible for their actions. Energy Transfer (ET), the owner and operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAP), is suing Greenpeace and other alleged instigators for $300 million for the damages sustained by the company as a result of violent protests incited by…


OH’s Precision Pipeline Buys PA Pipe Fixer Allegheny Contracting

We spotted a press release about pipeline repair company operating in the Marcellus/Utica, located in Ohio, Precision Pipeline Services, buying out a pipeline repair company based in Pennsylvania, Allegheny Contracting. We checked, and we’ve never written about either company. We always get a thrill when uncovering new companies involved in the M-U we didn’t know…