
Scientific Societies: Are They Selling Their Souls?

Scientific Societies: Are They Selling Their Souls? Wallace Manheimer Fellow, American Physical Society Member, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: The American Physical Society and other scientific societies are selling out to gain political street cred, trading reputations for acceptance among elites.] Statements of scientific societies are often used to justify extreme measures for dealing


All-the-Above Is No Energy Policy; It’s Merely Politics

All-the Above Is No Energy Policy; It’s Merely Politics Dr. Indur Goklany Member, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: This wonderful post addresses a human weakness; that we tend to compromise to save political face when we shouldn’t. “All-the Above” is simply ignorant energy policy.] The Net Zero energy policy pursued by the current administration


CO2 Coalition Showing Us Carbon Dioxide Is Essential to Life

CO2 Coalition Showing Us Carbon Dioxide Is Essential to Life Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: The CO2 Coalition is fighting against a tide of misinformation about the role of carbon dioxide in our world. It is nothing less than absolutely essential.] Nearly all life requires