
MACH2 Hydrogen Hub, Opposed by PA Green Groups, Crashing & Burning

In October 2024, the Bidenistas announced the Hydrogen Hub Hunger Games winners (see Hydrogen Hub Winners Announced – WV Takes Prize in M-U Region). Seven projects were selected from 33 finalists. Among the winners was the West Virginia-led Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2), which is a project that will use Marcellus/Utica natural gas as…


Extra Context re Philly Refinery Fire, Closure, and EPA Fine

Earlier this week, MDN told you about the final chapter in the tragedy of the Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) Refining Complex (see Sad Final Chapter to 2019 Philly Oil Refinery Fire: $4.2M Fine). Anti-fossil fuelers are dancing on the grave of the now defunct refinery, celebrating in the final humiliation of a $4.2 million fine…


Sad Final Chapter to 2019 Philly Oil Refinery Fire: $4.2M Fine

In June 2019, a series of explosions and a massive fire occurred at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) Refining Complex (see Massive Explosion, Fire at Philadelphia Refinery). It took firefighters a full day to extinguish the blaze. The fire caused the oil refinery complex to close and lay off over 1,000 workers (see Philly Refinery…


Bigoted Antis Label Hydrogen from PA NatGas as “Bad” and “Dirty”

When the Bidenistas announced a $750 million “investment” of taxpayer money would flow to the Philadelphia region (actually Delaware and New Jersey, and a little bit of Philly) for a “green” hydrogen hub, wackadoodle antis pitched a fit (see Mouthy Delaware Riverkeeper Disrupts PA Gov. at Hydrogen Rally). Antis, along with selfish companies (that would…


Mouthy Delaware Riverkeeper Disrupts PA Gov. at Hydrogen Rally

This one is too funny. Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a leftist liberal Democrat and the chosen candidate of the environmental left, appeared at a Philadelphia union hall for a speech last week to tout a hydrogen hub that is supposedly coming to the area, called the Mid-Atlantic Clean Hydrogen Hub (MACH2). The MACH2 project is…


New City Council Members Want to Destroy Philadelphia Gas Works

The New Year brought with it four new members of the Philadelphia City Council. All four are radical leftists who want to destroy the city-owned Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) by forcing it to dump sales of natural gas. The inmates are running the asylum! Three of the four new members are radical left Democrats. One…


Amtrak Caves to Radicals, Won’t Install Gas Boilers in Philly Stn

Ever ridden on an Amtrak train? We have, a number of times. Including the route from New York to Philadelphia, pulling into the 30th Street Station in downtown Philly. Amtrak, the national passenger railroad company of the United States operating in 46 of the 48 contiguous U.S. states and three Canadian provinces, is openly admitting…


PA Manufacturers Release Study Supporting Philly LNG Export Plan

Last week, MDN told you about the third and final public hearing held by the Pennsylvania House Philadelphia LNG Natural Gas Export Task Force (see Chester Residents Oppose Philly LNG Export Project at Final Hearing). The Task Force was established by law in early 2022 to study how to establish Philadelphia LNG exports to international…


Chester Residents Oppose Philly LNG Export Project at Final Hearing

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania House Philadelphia LNG Natural Gas Export Task Force, chaired by Rep. Martina White (R-Philadelphia), held its third and final public hearing at Widener University in Chester, Delaware County. The purpose was to get public feedback on a proposal to build an LNG natural gas export facility in Chester. From the press accounts…


Global Warming Fanaticism Now Infecting the Fine Art World

This one has us laughing our considerably fat rear-ends off. The left long ago corrupted science, turning it from the pursuit of objective facts into forced obedience to political opinions (i.e., global warming is caused by fossil fuels). The left issues mountains of data–graphs, tables, pictures–that supposedly prove they are correct with their opinions and…


The World Needs PA Marcellus Gas – Philly Port Could Export It

Last June (one year ago), the story broke that Penn LNG, headed by Franc James, a native of Philadelphia, had “quietly lined up support to build a $6.4 billion liquefied natural gas export terminal near Philly.” Not wanting this golden opportunity to die from opposition by radicalized environmentalists, Pennsylvania State Rep. Marina White (Republican from


Antis Mad They Couldn’t Bloviate at Philly LNG Task Force Meeting

For years, going back to the time when MDN editor Jim Willis worked in Washington, D.C. during his youth (mid-1980s),… Continue reading The post Antis Mad They Couldn’t Bloviate at Philly LNG Task Force Meeting first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Not-Nice Antis Oppose Permit Reissue for Nicetown Power Plant

A Marcellus gas-fired power plant in Nicetown (a neighborhood in North Philadelphia) received a permit to build in 2017 (see… Continue reading The post Not-Nice Antis Oppose Permit Reissue for Nicetown Power Plant first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Penn LNG Will Seek MiQ Cert, Buy Responsibly Sourced Gas Only

In June, seemingly out of nowhere, a plan to build an LNG export facility on the banks of the Delaware… Continue reading The post Penn LNG Will Seek MiQ Cert, Buy Responsibly Sourced Gas Only first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


PA Sen. Carolyn Comitta, Anti from Philly, Confuses LNG and NGL

Is Pennsylvania State Senator Carolyn Comitta (Democrat from Chester County, anti-fossil fueler) intentionally obtuse when it comes to the Marcellus… Continue reading The post PA Sen. Carolyn Comitta, Anti from Philly, Confuses LNG and NGL first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.