PA DEP Releases Onerous New Air Regulations, Again

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. In December, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) released a draft of onerous new regulations that focus on reducing volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and so-called fugitive methane (see Pa. DEP


Frac Sand Flap – Pittsburgh Logistics Co. Sues Texas Sand Co.

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. On Friday, Arrow Material Services (based in Sewickley, PA) filed a lawsuit against Superior Silica Sands, also known as Emerge Energy Services (based in Fort Worth, TX) in Allegheny County Court for


PA Anti Group Seeks to Block New NatGas Elec Plants with New Law

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. The radical group Citizens for a Healthy Jessup is floating a plan to try and prevent any new Marcellus gas-fired electric plants from getting built in the Keystone State. Aided and abetted


Absent Andy Dinniman Does Stupid Anti-Pipeline Stunt for Attention

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … Absent Andy Dinniman is at it again, pushing a bill to suspend Pennsylvania PUC and DEP regulation of natural gas liquid pipelines. It’s a stupid stunt. When it comes to pipeline development, Sen. Dinniman says he just wants to ensure it’s done right and done safely. The reality


Susquehanna County Emergency Responders Talk Safety

Rick HidukManaging Editor of … …  Officers from 10 Western Susquehanna County fire companies attended a dinner and safety discussion hosted by Cabot Oil & Gas on March 20. As natural gas drilling escalates in Susquehanna County, so too does the amount of traffic associated with the industry and the need for first responders


Philly Council Delays Vote on LNG Export Plant, Loonies Protest

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Earlier this month MDN told you that a plan to build a $60 million Marcellus LNG export facility on property owned by Philadelphia Gas Works was just one vote away from becoming


Washington County, PA Got $560M of Shale Investment in ’18

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Washington County, PA Washington County, PA (southwestern part of the state) brought in $560 million in new investment, along with 725 new jobs, in 2018. The vast majority of that new investment


Lawless Bullies Gear Up to Fight Constitution Pipeline (Again)

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) … The Delaware Povertykeeper and other hired gentry class bullies are preparing to fight the Consitution Pipeline again as prospects for FERC approval rise. Anti-fossil fuel radicals are making noises, threatening noises, about how they may react when and if (as seems likely) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)


Oil and Gas and STEM Pioneers Who Happened to Be Women

Kelsey MulacCabot Oil & GasExternal Affairs, Pittsburgh … … Science, technology, engineering and math, four disciplines commonly known as STEM capabilities are the essence of oil and gas and women have been pioneers. For Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting pioneers of science, technology, engineering, and math fields that have always been important to Cabot. The innovators


Diversified Pays $400M for HG Energy’s Shale Assets in PA, WV

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Diversified Gas & Oil has been on a mission to buy as many non-shale (conventional) oil and gas wells as it can in the Appalachian Basin. It owns close to 3 million


Driller for Wells at US Steel Plant Gets Earful from Residents

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Last night people opposed to drilling a few wells at the U.S. Steel Edgar Thomson Plant in a Pittsburgh suburb turned up to complain that somehow a noisy, air-polluting steel plant will


Another State, Another Opportunity to Support the NESE Pipeline Project

Connie MellinNatural Gas NOW“PAShaleAdvocate”   There is still time to support the very important NESE pipeline project by submitting your comments to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This week is the last opportunity to support this critical project as it reaches the final stretch of the permitting process. The New Jersey Department of


So, What Exactly Was This Mariner East Meeting About? Politics?

Kurt KnausSpokesmanPennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance … … Chester and Delaware County politicians held a Mariner East meeting the other day, the only purpose of which seems to have been enhancing their resumes. Several Southeastern Pennsylvania legislators convened a town hall meeting Wednesday night to ensure residents know how to protect their homes and property during


Imported Steel for Shell Ethane Pipeline Shows Up at Philly Port

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Shell pipes being unloaded – click for larger version All 97 miles of imported steel pipeline that will be used to construct Shell’s Falcon ethane pipeline project was offloaded at a Philadelphia