PennEast Pipeline

PennEast Wins at Supreme Court: NJ Cannot Block Pipeline!

PennEast Tom Shepstone on PennEastShepstone Management Company, Inc. PennEast PennEast PennEast The PennEast case over whether New Jersey can arbitrarily stand in the way of interstate pipelines has been decided by the Supremes and common sense won the day. The Supremes have ruled. PennEast won. That’s the only simple thing about this case and the


PennEast Pipe Files Supreme Court Brief; Timeline for Construction

On Monday PennEast Pipeline filed its opening brief in a case to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in April. The case appeals a lower court ruling that disallows PennEast from using eminent domain to build across land owned or controlled by the State of New Jersey. PennEast calls the previous ruling by the


Biden Justice Dept. Likely to Support PennEast in Supreme Crt Case

Earlier this week MDN brought you the big news that the U.S. Supreme Court has decided to hear the PennEast Pipeline vs. New Jersey eminent domain case (see BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court to Decide PennEast Pipeline Case). Read that previous post for background on why this is a critically important case. In December the Trump


BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court to Decide PennEast Pipeline Case

HUGE news! This morning the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear the PennEast Pipeline case. The case appeals a lower court ruling that disallows PennEast from using eminent domain to build across land owned or controlled by the State of New Jersey. The court’s acceptance of the case is an excellent sign PennEast will win


Strong Support for PennEast Pipe During PA DEP Virtual Hearing

Yesterday the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) held a virtual hearing to accept public comment on the topic of issuing water crossing and sediment/erosion permits for the PennEast Pipeline project. The hearing lasted over three hours with some 70+ people speaking (for up to 3 minutes each). Much to the consternation of anti-fossil fuelers,


US Supreme Court Signals It Wants to Hear PennEast Pipeline Case

The media spin machine and anti-fossil fuelers are in overdrive, but they can’t paper over this fact: Yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court expressed a very loud and clear interest in hearing the PennEast Pipeline vs. New Jersey case–and that spells bad news for NJ and its radical Attorney General who is trying to block the


PennEast Asks Full 3rd Circuit to Reconsider Bad Decision

The stakes are about as high as it gets: “The immediate disruption of the natural gas industry,” says PennEast Pipeline. We’re referring to a terrible decision in September by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit that disallows PennEast from using the delegated power of eminent domain to cross properties either owned by,


Riverkeeper Frustrated as D.C. Circuit Stops PennEast Pipe Lawsuit

It’s hard to keep track of the multiple lawsuits filed against every single new natural gas pipeline project in the Marcellus/Utica. But we try! Take the PennEast Pipeline, for example. PennEast is a $1 billion (or $1.2 billion, depending on the source) new greenfield pipeline project from Luzerne County, PA to Mercer County, NJ. PennEast


Worst Fears May Come True with PennEast Pipeline Court Decision

Yesterday MDN brought you news of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ruling that disallows PennEast Pipeline from using the delegated power of eminent domain to cross properties either owned by, or with easements granted to, the state of New Jersey (see Federal Court Rules PennEast Pipe Can’t Run Thru NJ State


PennEast Pipe Readies Revised NJ Freshwater Wetlands Permit

PennEast Pipeline is a $1 billion (or $1.2 billion, depending on the source) new greenfield pipeline project from Luzerne County, PA to Mercer County, NJ. PennEast will flow PA Marcellus gas to markets in NJ. The project has faced numerous lawsuits and regulatory blockades, much of it in NJ. We won’t recount all of the


Updates for PennEast & Adelphia Gateway Pipeline Projects

Two important pipeline projects, PennEast and Adelphia Gateway, are at various stages of approval. PennEast is a $1 billion (or $1.2 billion, depending on the source) new greenfield pipeline project from Luzerne County, PA to Mercer County, NJ. PennEast will flow PA Marcellus gas to markets in NJ. Adelphia Gateway is an old oil pipeline,


3rd Circuit Court Grants NJ Request to Pause PennEast Pipe

This article is provided FREE for Google searchers. In order to access all content on Marcellus Drilling News, please visit our Subscribe page. Last December a federal judge in New Jersey upheld eminent domain power for PennEast Pipeline for ALL of NJ, where there are 136 holdout landowners who have refused to allow PennEast surveyors