Peak Demand

Net Zero Nincompoops Being Mugged by Energy Reality

Net Zero Nincompoops Being Mugged by Energy Reality Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: Net zero is the bottom line for the accomplishments of net zero climate cultists who are now facing the reality that the green energy transition can’t


California Steams Toward Statism and Energy Doomsday!

California Steams Toward Statism and Energy Doomsday Robert Bradley Founder and CEO of the Institute for Energy Research Principal, MasterResource: A Free-Market Energy Blog…. .… … [Editor’s Note: California is making all the same mistakes as Europe by relying upon statism as an energy policy and, as a result, is headed straight for energy doomsday!]


Lake Apopka Natural Gas District Promotes Gas As the Best Gift Out There

Connie MellinNatural Gas NOW“PAShaleAdvocate”   Lake Apopka Natural Gas District says switching to natural gas can save you as much money in a year as most spend on Christmas. Lake Apopka Natural Gas District is promoting gas as the best gift out there this holiday season.  In the United States, households that use natural gas


UGI Energy Services Bethlehem LNG Facility Now Online

Connie MellinNatural Gas NOW“PAShaleAdvocate”   The UGI Bethlehem liquified natural gas facility is now online and ready to supply LNG to meet demands of power plants during peak times. UGI Energy Services, LLC held a ribbon cutting today to celebrate their new LNG facility coming online. The Bethlehem LNG Facility will be a great asset