Hudson River Gas-Fired Plant Loses Appeal of Permit Rejection

Big Green groups are rejoicing that they have convinced a New York State judge to rule that an existing natural… Continue reading The post Hudson River Gas-Fired Plant Loses Appeal of Permit Rejection first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Antis Claim Clean-Burning Gas Plant Near NYC Kills Crows, Trees

You know anti-fossil fuelers are getting desperate when they make silly claims like a clean-burning natural gas power plant on the Hudson River (Orange County, NY) is killing crows and trees. One well known anti claims she witnessed the “sudden death” of 200 crows. And the trees in her backyard are “collapsing.” It’s all supposedly


NY DEC Releases Draft Air Permits for Orange Cnty Gas-Fired Plant

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo tried to stop a fully built, brand new natural gas-fired electric generating plant in Orange County from going operational last year by instructing his Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to deny renewing an air permit it had approved just five years earlier (see Cuomo Strikes Again: Blocks Completed Gas-Fired Plant