ONE future

ONE Future Group Gains A New Member: UGI Corporation

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: UGI Corporation has joined “Our Nation’s Energy Future.” otherwise known as ONE Future, which is dedicated to reducing methane emissions.] UGI Corporation, which operates natural gas and electric utilities in Pennsylvania and midstream (pipeline) assets in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, has just become the newest member


How Is the Natural Gas Industry Leading the Way to Reduce Emissions?

Jennifer StewartSenior Vice President for Government and Regulatory AffairsSouthwestern Energy Co. … … The natural gas industry is making enormous progress and, in fact, leading the way in reducing emissions, says Southwestern Energy, one its own leaders. As the world’s top natural gas producer, the United States is also leading the world in curbing emissions.