Martins Ferry, OH Mayor Wants AMS Site Shut Down Permanently

According to Public News Service (PNS), a Big Green propaganda outfit funded (in part) by the Fresh Water Accountability Project, the CEO of Austin Master Services (AMS), a frack waste storage facility in Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, was supposed to attend a Belmont County court hearing by phone. He faces contempt-of-court charges for failing to clean…


Marcellus Sees Soaring Costs, Lower Production – Ranking Decreased

Operators and investors are more concerned than ever about the remaining inventory of drillable locations. Who has it? Where is it? Will it be economic? The North American inventory rankings by shale play are always of interest. Enverus Intelligence Research (EIR), a subsidiary of Enverus, recently issued a report that ranks the plays by the…


Fracker Wants to Drill Under State Wildlife Area in Carroll County

In January 2023, Ohio House Bill (HB) 507 became law with the signature of Gov. Mike DeWine (see OH Gov. Signs Bill Expanding Drilling in State Parks, NatGas “Green”). The new law allows shale drilling under (but not on top of) Ohio state-owned land, including state parks. HB 507 encourages (pushes for) more drilling under…


18 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jul 1 – 7

We noticed that permit data has already been updated for last week, so we’re bringing you our weekly permit report a day early. For the week of July 1 – 7, a total of 18 permits were issued to drill new shale wells in Marcellus/Utica. There were six new permits issued in Pennsylvania, with four…


Cleveland Democrat Floats Bill to Require Frack Chemical Disclosure

An anti-drilling Democrat member of the Ohio House of Representatives (representing a Cleveland suburb) would love nothing more than to ban all shale drilling in his state. He has just introduced a bill requiring drillers to disclose any and all chemicals they use for any purpose when drilling a new shale well under state-owned land….


Owner of 3 Athens, OH Injection Wells Applies to Permanently Plug

In April, the Ohio Oil and Gas Commission upheld a regulatory order from the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) suspending operations of three wastewater injection wells located in Torch (Athens County), OH, owned by K&H Partners, a subsidiary of Tallgrass Energy (see Ohio O&G Commission Votes to Shut Down 3 Athens Injection Wells). The…


CST Buys Horiz. Directional Drilling Co. Precise Boring of Ohio

Precise Boring of Ohio, founded 25 years ago, specializes in Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) — drilling sideways underground and installing pipelines through the holes it drills. Specifically, Precise (headquartered in Fairfield County, OH) works on installing shale and other types of pipelines, including water and sewer pipes. Precise is actively working for the Marcellus/Utica industry…


Ohio About to Net $60+ Million for Drilling Under State Parks

A request by the Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OBM) to set up two new bank accounts to accept payments from drillers is the tipoff that drilling is about to begin under some of Ohio’s state land, including state parks. The state will receive nearly $60 million in lease signing bonus payments to drill…


Ohio Bill to Encourage New NatGas Pipelines Passes Committee Vote

A new bill proposed by two Republican state lawmakers in Ohio, House Bill (HB) 349, makes it easier to site and build natural gas pipelines to areas of the state where pipelines currently don’t exist (see Ohio Bill Encourages New NatGas Pipelines to Spread Across State). The bill will stimulate new jobs by running pipelines…


Martins Ferry Sees No Evidence of Cleanup at Austin Master Serv.

We have been tracking and reporting on the drama surrounding Austin Master Services (AMS), a radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), Ohio, located close to the Ohio River, since the Ohio Attorney General lodged charges against the company back in March (see our AMS stories here). AMS has stored at least…


Onerous New EPA Regs Would Prevent Brand New OH Gas-Fired Plant

Last Thursday, MDN brought you the news that U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (from West Virginia) and Congressman Troy Balderson (from Ohio) introduced a resolution to block the EPA’s latest attack against the natural gas industry (see 44 Senators, 138 House Mbrs Intro Resolution to Block EPA Power Reg). Using 1,020 pages of new regulations,…


Martins Ferry Council Pressures ODNR to Clean Up AMS Facility…NOW

We have been tracking and reporting on the drama surrounding Austin Master Services (AMS), a radiological waste management solutions company in Martins Ferry (Belmont County), Ohio, located close to the Ohio River (see our AMS stories here). Two weeks ago, a Belmont County Common Pleas Court judge ordered AMS to be fined $200 per day…


Mystery Driller Asks Ohio to Lease More of Salt Fork State Park

In February, the Ohio Oil & Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) met to award contracts to drill under (not on) several Ohio state parks, including 5,700 acres of the 20,000-acre Salt Fork State Park in Guernsey County (see Ohio Awards Drilling Contracts for State Parks – Salt Fork Surprise). The big news for us was…


EQT & Equinor Land Swap in Pennsylvania & Ohio Now Completed

In April, EQT Corporation and Equinor (formerly known as Statoil) announced a deal to swap land in Pennsylvania and Ohio (see Equinor Swaps Acreage with EQT in PA & OH, Exits Operated US Shale). EQT filed an SEC report to announce that the deal was done as of last Friday. As we highlighted in our…


ODNR Issues Forced Pooling Order for Encino Well in Harrison County

On May 23, the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) issued a pooling order to Encino Energy that combines a number of properties into a single unit for drilling wells. The total of the surface land pooled is 1,081.076 acres, located in Stock Township, Harrison County, Ohio. There are 121 (!) properties or pieces of…