Offshore Development

Biden Plan for Offshore Wind Is Wildly Expensive and Wholly Stupid

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Joe Biden, a puppet being manipulated by the worst sort of special interests, is pushing an offshore wind fiasco that will accomplish nothing.] Joe Biden has a plan to reach net zero carbon dioxide emissions in the generating sector. It includes the installation of 30,000 megawatts of new offshore wind capacity


Offshore Wind Is Off the Charts Political Nonsense

WeSo, global G ... … …[Editor’s Note: Offshore wind makes no economic or environmental sense whatsoever. It is pure politics intended merely to reward special interests.] The Biden administration has announced plans to vastly expand the use of offshore wind power along the U.S. East Coast. The plan sets a goal of deploying 30,000 megawatts of offshore wind turbines


Battery Costs in the Billions About to Be Tacked Onto NY Electric Bills

 ... … …[Editor’s Note: New Yorkers are about to see already high electricity bills go even higher thanks to Governor Cuomo’s battery storage plans.] New York will purchase a 100-megawatt battery system to back up its offshore wind fleet, which is expected to total 9 gigawatts of capacity by 2035. The battery will be supplied by South Korean


Ocean City Demonstrates Off-Shore Wind Is No Easy Sell

 ... … … Green new dealers always make it sound as if their projects face no obstacles, have no impacts and are widely desired but Ocean City shows that’s not true. The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) approved two offshore wind projects off the coast of Ocean City in 2017. But, Ocean City officials want


Offshore Wind Is No Easy Sell and Carries A High Environmental Price

 ... … … Offshore wind projects along the East Coast are being regularly challenged successfully on environmental impact grounds, especially by fishermen. In Massachusetts and New York, fisherman seem to be winning small victories against offshore wind farms. The Edgartown Conservation Commission in Massachusetts denied an underwater cable route off the town’s coastline, citing the potential