
Where Are the Pipelines Needed Now to Avoid Blackouts?

Pipelines Jim Willis on NGL PipelinesEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Pipelines are needed to ensure energy supplies and avoid the crisis Europe has brought upon itself but elitist special interests have connived to thwart them.] According to a Bloomberg article, the energy crisis that’s led to electricity shortages and blackouts in Europe and


Andrew Cuomo Takes New Yorkers on A Stupid Steamboat Trip

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … Andrew Cuomo is repeating bad history from 1824 by trying to overrule Constitutional protection of free commerce. It’s a steamboat trip to the netherworld. Andrew Cuomo, as I noted the other day, just isn’t that smart, although he’s got lots of street smarts. He also cares nothing for