nursing homes

Irrational Fear of Fracking Has Deprived Upstate New Yorkers of A Future

Victor FurmanUpstate New York Landowner, Shale Gas Activist …. ….   [Editor’s Note: Corrupt Andrew Cuomo exploited fear of fracking to advance his own future while stealing that of his Southern Tier constituents.] I remember well the power of fear as a child and it’s influence on my upbringing, Perhaps some of you reading this


New York Madness: A Special Brand All Its Own

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … New York madness reached a peak this week with a corrupt Governor and communist Mayor sparring over riots as both have acted out over the WuFlu and gas. There is something seriously wrong with New York. It’s a state in a state of decline and the New York


Governor Corruptocrat Shows Why He Deserves the Title

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … If there’s one story that irrefutably establishes the corrupt nature of Governor Andrew Cuomo, Governor Corruptocrat here at NaturalGasNOW, this is it. When I labeled Andrew Cuomo as Governor Corruptocrat on these pages, some readers cheered. Others winced. I’ve stuck with it because I know it to be