New York Post

Upstate to Downstate: You Have No Damned Idea Who We Are!

Upstate to Downstate: You Have No Damned Idea Who We Are! Chris Denton Attorney, Elmira, New York … …  [Editor’s Note: Attorney Chris Denton from Upstate takes the New York Post to the woodshed over an insulting editorial from December 29th saying rules for thee and none for me.] Your editorial of December 29, 2022


The NRDC Gang Is Funding Shapiro and Doing China’s Dirty Work

NRDC Gang Funding Shapiro and Doing China Dirty Work Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  The NRDC Gang, a Rockefeller family creation, is, as we pointed out four years ago, enmeshed with Communist China and is also throwing money at Josh Shapiro. The New York Post recently ran an expose with respect to


New York Pipeline Madness the Subject of Two Revealing Commentaries

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … Two recent commentaries on New York pipeline madness reveal it for what is; an insane pursuit of political correctness contradicted by a wealth of data. Andrew Cuomo is not that smart. He does have street smarts, though, in the sense he’s adept at manipulating the situation at hand.