New Mexico


The oil and gas industry continues to deliver record-breaking revenue for New Mexico and will reach unprecedented levels in Fiscal Year 25. The Albuquerque Journal details this  record revenue: “Fueled by an incredible oil and gas boom and strong consumer spending, New Mexico’s financial reserves reached about 52 percent of ongoing state spending this summer


First Onshore Oil and Gas Lease Sale in 11 Months Auctions at $79 million

The Biden administration held its first onshore oil and gas lease sale of the year in May, nearly a year after the last auction and eight months after provisions within the Inflation Reduction Act mandated that sales continue. Total 2023 onshore lease sales are significantly curtailed from years prior, and with no finalized 2023-2028 Proposed


New Mexico FFA Does Energy and Ag with Help from Coterra

New Mexico FFA Does Energy and Ag with Help from Coterra Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy   … … [Editor’s Note: Coterra Energy recently helped the New Mexico FFA put on a state convention that emphasized both agriculture and energy, a very worthy combination of themes.] Coterra is dedicated to supporting agriculture and


AI Is Revolutionizing An Already Hi-Tech Oil & Gas Industry

AI Is Revolutionizing An Already Hi-Tech Oil & Gas Industry Fayth Franzoy Gillespie Principal, Tactica Strategies   .… … [Editor’s Note: Artificial intelligence or “AI” may need to be controlled but it has a very practical side as we see with the way it is being used by the oil and gas industry.] “It’s not


Biden Is the Man with No Plan As Our Refineries Close

Biden Is the Man with No Plan As Refineries Close Ronald Stein Ambassador for Energy & Infrastructure, Irvine, California .. .… … [Editor’s Note: Joe Biden is the anti-leader, the scarecrow with no voice, plan or understanding, propped up by special interests as supposed President as we self-destruct.] President Joe Biden continues his pursuit of


Energy Industry Key for Workforce and Education

The domestic oil and natural gas industry provides the United States and our allies with essential American energy to fuel everyday needs. But as EID has covered in the past, the industry provides more than just clean and reliable energy – it also propels states’ economies forward by funding services like education, transportation, and workforce


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 4, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – February 4, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; roughneck talents, a cold January, yet another dead whale, sulfur seeding ESG and a


Oil and Natural Gas Production Drives Record Revenue for New Mexico in 2022

The oil and natural gas industry continues to propel New Mexico’s strong economy, driving record revenue for fiscal year 2023. The New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) recently released its budget recommendations for fiscal year 2024, showing the tremendous recovery the oil and natural gas industry has had since the pandemic and New Mexico’s long-term


New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian

New Mexico Thrives As Oil Production Booms in the Permian Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy Host, Shale Gas News … … The Permian Basin has made New Mexico the nation’s second largest oil producer and Coterra’s Bill desRosiers reports on the remarkable growth and success. The annual Carlsbad Mayor’s Energy Summit, held October


Coterra Pulls Together the Anadarko, Marcellus and Permian!

Coterra Pulls Together the Anadarko, Marcellus and Permian! tural Gas and Help from the Industry gas news Bill desRosiers External Affairs Coordinator, Coterra Energy Host, Shale Gas News … … [Editor’s Note: Coterra Energy pulled together industry folks from the Anadarko, Marcellus and Permian region for an “Energy Education Summit” in Northeast Pennsylvania.] Since the


In New Mexico, An Abundance of Oil Brings an Abundance of Benefits

Oil and natural gas is contributing in a big way to help New Mexicans improve education and other public services for its residents. As ABC News recently reported:  “Government budgets are booming in New Mexico: Teacher salaries are up, residents can go to an in-state college tuition-free, moms will get medical care for a year


CEPP Will Cost Utilities $16 Billion and Accomplish Nothing

CEPP … …[Editor’s Note: The Clean Energy Performance Program or CEPP is yet another green energy hustle and will contribute little or nothing in the way of clean energy; just a con.] The Clean Energy Performance Program, or CEPP, would provide subsidy payments to electric utilities that increase their share of electricity generated from “clean” sources,