New Fortress Energy

The Key Issue that May Decide Whether Wyalusing LNG Gets Built

Earlier this month, MDN brought you the great news that New Fortress Energy’s (NFE) proposed Wyalusing LNG export plant (in Bradford County, PA) and a docking facility in Gibbstown (in New Jersey, along the Delaware River) to load ships with PA-produced LNG, are not dead yet (see Northeast PA LNG Plant Lives! NFE Tells FERC…


New Jersey Newspaper Endorses NFE’s Gibbstown LNG Export Plan

New Fortress Energy (NFE) plans to build an LNG liquefaction facility in Bradford County, PA–in the northeastern part of the state (see Big News! Marcellus LNG Export Plant Coming to Landlocked NEPA). NFE’s plan is to transport LNG made at the plant by truck and rail to a loading dock on the Delaware River at…


LNG-by-Rail Officially on Hold with PHMSA, Agency Will “Study” It

When a government agency says it will “study” something, that means you can kiss it goodbye. It’s lights out. Our country has a serious problem: insufficient pipelines to get natural gas where it needs to go. In June 2020, during the Trump administration, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration…


Dela. Riverkeeper Releases Sham “Report” Against LNG Export Plan

THE Delaware Riverkeeper appears to be obsessed with New Fortress Energy’s plan to liquefy natural gas in Bradford County, PA,… Continue reading The post Dela. Riverkeeper Releases Sham “Report” Against LNG Export Plan first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Bad Guys Win: Biden DOT Won’t Renew PA-to-NJ LNG Rail Permit

On December 5, 2019, the PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration) granted a special permit to Energy Transport Solutions,… Continue reading The post Bad Guys Win: Biden DOT Won’t Renew PA-to-NJ LNG Rail Permit first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Delaware Riverkeeper Destructors Frustrated by DRBC Action!

Delaware Riverkeeper Destructors Frustrated by DRBC Action Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: The Delaware Riverkeeper and WHYY are angry with their DRBC sister entity (all funded by the same sugar daddy) for extending a permit to build a LNG dock in NJ.] Quick…grab the paddles! The patient


DRBC Gives LNG Export Dock in Dela. River Extra 3 Yrs to Build

Quick…grab the paddles! The patient is still alive and needs to be shocked and revived! The patient we’re talking about… Continue reading The post DRBC Gives LNG Export Dock in Dela. River Extra 3 Yrs to Build first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


Phil Murphy Proves Just How Much of An Unprincipled Pander Bear He Is

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Phil Murphy, an obviously confused panderbear, is trying to wiggle out of his DRBC vote on Gibbstown with a patently silly excuse.] The five voting members of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) met in early December and voted 4-0 (one abstention) to approve a 1,300-foot-long pier


NJ Gov. Murphy Flip-Flops, Wants to Block Dela. River LNG Terminal

The five voting members of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) met in early December and voted 4-0 (one abstention) to approve a 1,300-foot-long pier in Gibbstown, NJ which will be used to load LNG tankers (see DRBC Does Right Thing, Approves NJ LNG Export Terminal). One of the “yes” votes was from New Jersey


Fortress Truck/Rail Terminal on Dela. River to Export LPG in 2021

We’ve written plenty about a plan by New Fortress Energy to build an LNG liquefaction plant in Bradford County, PA (northeastern part of the state), and then haul the LNG from the plant via specially-outfitted trucks and rail cars to a transloading dock/port facility New Fortress plans to build at an old DuPont dynamite factory


Work Continues to Clear Site for NEPA Landlocked LNG Export Plant

New Fortress Energy is in the process of building the first (of two or more) LNG liquefying plants in Wyalusing, PA–nowhere near a shoreline. The company will truck (eventually rail) the LNG to a port located on the Delaware River along the New Jersey shoreline for export to Puerto Rico and other destinations. As we


New Fortress Energy Founder/CEO Big-time Democrat Donor

Wes Edens The bloom is off the rose for us with regard to New Fortress Energy and their plans to build several LNG export facilities in northeastern Pennsylvania (see Big News! Marcellus LNG Export Plant Coming to Landlocked NEPA), and an LNG export shipping facility along the banks of the Delaware River (see DRBC Approves


New Fortress Energy NJ LNG Export Site to Store/Export NGLs Too

A few weeks ago MDN brought you the news that THE Delaware Riverkeeper had finally (months after everyone else knew) woke up to the fact that New Fortress Energy is planning to build an LNG loading facility on the banks of the Delaware River, on the New Jersey side, near Philadelphia (see Riverkeeper Sounds Alarm


Riverkeeper Sounds Alarm re New LNG Export Facility on Dela. River

Maya van Rossum, who fancies herself as THE Delaware Riverkeeper, has her knickers in a twist. She’s just woken up to the fact that New Fortress Energy, which is building an LNG liquefying plant in northeastern Pennsylvania (see Big News! Marcellus LNG Export Plant Coming to Landlocked NEPA), will truck the LNG to a port