Natural Gas bans

New Research, Same Flawed Methodology On Gas Stoves and Asthma

Researchers from Stanford University recently teamed up with Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Healthy Energy (PSEHE) on a new gas stove study (Kashtan et al.) that attempts to link the appliance to increased asthma risk. But like the team’s previous research, the findings relied on unrealistic cooking conditions to conclude: “Gas and propane stoves increase


Year in Review: Natural Gas Bans

Natural gas bans have been a hot-button issue through 2023 year since the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) stated that it was considering banning natural gas stoves in January. While the Biden administration and agency officials have publicly backtracked on their desire to ban gas stoves, their actions and regulations over the year show their


Polling Finds People Will Only ‘Electrify Everything’ If They Don’t Actually Have to Electrify Everything

A recent poll from Yale’s Program on Climate Change Communications shows yet again that Americans want to continue cooking with gas. Only 31 percent support going all electric and abandoning their gas stoves, furnaces, and other appliances. But the environmentalists at the publication Grist tried to spin this into qualified support for electrification. Their headline


Eugene Repeals Its Gas Ban For Fear of Public Rejection

Eugene, Oregon’s city council recently repealed its ordinance banning natural gas in homes before the issue could come to a vote in November. The decision comes weeks after two polls show a lack of interest in banning natural gas across adults nationwide, and months after the Ninth Circuit Court overruled Berkeley’s natural gas ban, which


Indoor Air Quality High on Fright Factor, Low on Actual Findings

Proponents of restricting consumer choice continue to use flawed methodology and scare tactics to convince the public gas stoves are a danger. The latest effort is a study conducted by researchers from Stanford University that has released similarly flawed research on gas stoves previously. When put under scrutiny, the studies are not as thoroughly researched


Gas Stoves Protected In Not One, But Two Bipartisan House Votes

There is a new development in the gas stove ban saga. Two bills protecting gas stoves from federal bans recently passed through the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support as twenty-nine Democrats voted in favor of both Republican-sponsored pieces of legislation –  H.R.1615, the “Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act” and H.R. 1640, “Save


A Domestic Attack on Consumer Choice – DOE’s Attempt to Take Americans’ Gas Stoves

The Department of Energy (DOE) is proposing regulations to establish energy performance standards for cooking appliances that would remove 50-96 percent of natural gas stoves from the market, and further the “electrify everything” crowd’s goal to restrict and eliminate the use of natural gas in buildings. The initiative directly compromises U.S. consumers’ freedom of choice,


Another Peer-Reviewed Study Debunks Causal Relationship Between Gas Stoves and Childhood Asthma

There is not sufficient evidence demonstrating causal relationships between cooking on gas stoves, indoor NO2, and asthma in children, according to a new published peer-reviewed study analyzing 66 epidemiology studies. The study – Gas Cooking and Respiratory Outcomes in Children: A Systematic Review – was funded by the American Gas Association and found the studies


The Police State Is Here and “Governed” by Joe Biden

Police State Is Here and Governed by Joe Biden Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Biden, the compromised plagiarist who Obama said could muck up anything, is now in titular charge of a police state once known as the land of the free and brave. Western Civilization is collapsing at an ever increasing


Dark Money — Very Dark Money — Is Behind Natural Gas Bans

Dark Money — Very Dark Money — Is Behind Natural Gas Bans Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Robert Bryce is doing some very heavy lifting the natural gas industry has been far too slow to do; he is fighting the corporatist dark money behind gas bans. The natural gas industry has a


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – March 18, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – March 18, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; freeing Texas from capture by climate corporatists, a Biden double-cross and a forgotten useful


Act of Cooking, Not Fuel Responsible for Indoor Air Quality Says New Report

Claims that natural gas stoves are harming residential health are unrealistic and undermining decision-making aimed toward protecting human health, according to a recent report published by Catalyst Environmental Solutions (CES) and commissioned by the California Restaurant Association and the California Building Industry Association. The analysis finds natural gas is, “not a significant determinant of residential


Report: Proponents of Gas Stove Bans Are Working With Government Officials

Environmental groups and electrification supporters are working with local government officials to pass natural gas bans in their communities, according to new emails uncovered by Energy Policy Advocates and reported by The Washington Times. The emails shed light on the national campaign and coordination behind the scenes as anti-natural gas activists have targeted government officials


Building Electrification or New Ways to Tax Residents? Montgomery County Approves New Natural Gas Ban

Backed by a 9-0 vote, the Montgomery County Council became the first county on the East Coast to ban natural gas in new buildings, renovations, and additions in November. The bill’s all-electric mandates will contribute to several negative consequences for both residents and the economy, and its passage highlights how municipal leaders often fail to