Michael Bloomberg

Phillips, Moans Bloomberg, Is A Pleasant Surprise at FERC

Phillips, Moans Bloomberg, Is A Pleasant Surprise at FERC Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Michael Bloomberg wants a global warming apparatchik leading FERC, not some realist, and he assigned one of his own apparatchiks to bring down Willie Phillips.] We’re rapidly warming up to Federal Energy Regulatory


Bloomberg Shows Off Elitist Contempt Toward the Common Man

Bloomberg Shows Off Elitist Contempt Toward the Common Man Jim Willis on NGL Pipelines Editor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN)   [Editor’s Note: Mike Bloomberg is an arrogant elitist who wants to control us all and his latest efforts to destroy energy security, kill jobs and otherwise collapse the economy of the common man are despicable.] It


Star Tribune Says Minnesota Climate Lawsuit Has Become “An Issue in Attorney General’s Race,” But Leaves Out Key Context

The political fallout from the climate lawsuit filed by Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison in 2020 continues as the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports the case “has become a campaign issue” in the state’s attorney general’s race less than three months before Election Day “as Ellison defends his seat this year.” The coverage from the Star


Texas Wind Power Not So Reliable, As It Turns Out

 ... … … Texas wind energy has been touted as a big success, but several years of growth in the wind energy supply have blown away electricity expense budgets. Texas has the most wind capacity of any state, generating about 16 percent of its electricity from wind. In August, as temperatures rose to over 100 degrees and