
Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid!

Net Zero: An Existential Threat to Our Electric Grid Gordon Tomb Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Our guest blogger, Gordon Tomb, recently gave an excellent presentation to the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association and the full text follows.] First, I want to say how glad I am to be in


Net Zero Is No Solution for Any But Its Nattering Advocates

Net Zero Is No Solution for Any But Its Nattering Advocates Gordon Tomb Senior Fellow, Commonwealth Foundation Senior Advisor, CO2 Coalition   .. …. [Editor’s Note: Net zero advocates and grifters are pushing a formula that only puts money in their own pockets and sells the rest of us completely out, which is the idea.]


STEM Is the Future in Oklahoma as Gas Industry Brings It!

STEM Is the Future in Oklahoma as Gas Industry Brings It George Stark Director, External Affairs Coterra Energy … .. [Editor’s Note: Science, technology, engineering and math or STEM education is the future if there is to be one and the natural gas industry is helping to bring it to Oklahoma.] The Oklahoma Energy Resources


Oil and Gas and STEM Pioneers Who Happened to Be Women

Kelsey MulacCabot Oil & GasExternal Affairs, Pittsburgh … … Science, technology, engineering and math, four disciplines commonly known as STEM capabilities are the essence of oil and gas and women have been pioneers. For Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting pioneers of science, technology, engineering, and math fields that have always been important to Cabot. The innovators