Marcellus Shale Coalition

Josh Shapiro Is As Anti-Gas As It Gets; Do the Trades Get It?

Josh Shapiro Is As Anti-Gas As It Gets; Do the Trades Get It? Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro has sold out to elitists who want to ride the corrupt global warming scam into a land of more power and more riches at the expense of workers.]


Shapiro Being Funded by Big Green Machine (and China?)

Shapiro Being Funded by Big Green Machine (and China?) Kevin Mooney Senior Investigative Reporter The Commonwealth Foundation … …. [Editor’s Note: Josh Shapiro is no friend of trade unions. He is being supported by the China connected NRDC gang of blue bloods who want to shut down pipelines and fracking.] Climate change activists opposed to


American Energy First, Please, Before Begging Saudi Arabia!

American Energy First, Please, Before Begging Saudi Arabia! George Stark Director, External Affairs Coterra Energy … .. [Editor’s Note: The American oil and gas industry has joined hands to write Joe Biden and tell him to choose American energy development before begging the Saudis for their oil.] Twenty-seven natural gas and oil trade organizations from


Severance Tax Obsessed Tom Wolf Proposes It Yet Again with More Lies

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: If the third time wasn’t the charm, the seventh time is surely dead on arrival for Tom the Trust-Funder Wolf’s severance tax obsession.] As we reported in January, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (Democrat) has, for the seventh year in a row, introduced a Marcellus-killing severance tax proposal


Gas Industry Has A Great Story to Retell and It Must Be Retold Often!

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. . … The natural gas industry has accomplished so very much, delivering economic and environmental benefits everywhere, but it must be retold. We talk a lot about how to keep the gas industry moving forward in a COVID economy, including the importance of legislation aimed at attracting new businesses to


Farmers Boosted Big-Time by Marcellus Shale Gas Development

Jim WillisEditor & Publisher, Marcellus Drilling News (MDN) [Editor’s Note: Farmers and landowners have ben helped tremendously by the economics of Marcellus Shale development, which are highly positive.] The 105th Pennsylvania Farm Show kicked off on Saturday, Jan. 9 and runs through this Saturday, Jan. 16. Sadly, this year the farm show is all virtual due to the coronavirus.