
The Electric Vehicle Is Driving Away with Our Freedom

The Electric Vehicle Is Driving Away with Our Freedom Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: Bob Tomaine destroys the myth that the electric vehicle is anything but an approaching disaster for freedom of the individuals and their right to travel at all.] Pigs and electric vehicles apparently have far more in common than


Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, August 12, 1922!

Natural Gas – 100 Years Ago Today, August 12, 1922! Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. …. ….  Natural gas news from a hundred years ago offers great perspective for discussing one of the cleanest sources of energy available then and still today. I thought it might be fun and illuminating to look back 100


Natural Gas Now Best Picks of the Week – April 10, 2021

Tom ShepstoneShepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added. But Suppose They Don’t Want Solar Projects in Their Backyards? Environmental justice is, quite simply, a fraud perpetrated on the people


Here We Go Again: Climate Litigation Campaign Sets Sights on Maine

Activist groups involved in promoting and funding climate litigation have arrived in Maine and are discussing the possibility of local leaders filing a lawsuit against energy companies for their production, marketing, sale and public statements around fossil fuels. In October, the Massachusetts-based Union of Concerned Scientists and Washington, D.C.-based Center for Climate Integrity hosted a


Solar dominates Maine’s renewables procurement

Solar projects dominated Maine’s largest renewables procurement, Kallanish Energy reports. Solar will provide about 482 megawatts of the 546 megawatts of projects approved for long-term energy projects earlier this week by the Maine Public Utilities Commission. The commission approved 17 projects including solar, onshore wind, hydro and biomass. They were the first to win approval