Liquid Natural Gas

Biden Caves to Germany (Desperate Due to Energiewende) and Putin

germany … …[Editor’s Note: Biden caves to Putin and a Germany now desperate for natural gas due to the huge failure of its Energiewende version of the green new deal.] President Biden is treating a European pipeline and a North American pipeline very differently—one is a natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, Nord Stream


LNG Terminals Being Built Everywhere to Accept Natural Gas!

 ... … … LNG terminals are being built across the world to accept natural gas. They can get it from Australia, Russia or us. Who will it be? Us we hope and expect. At a recent natural gas conference, some attendees indicated that international natural gas demand would continue to grow at a double-digit rate due to


More Power Outages Coming to New York, Thanks to Cuomo

 ... … … If you live in New York State you can expect more power outages thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s pandering attempts to curry favor with green energy scammers. New York’s Con Ed has had two major power outages within a two-week period—and the power outages probably will continue given the state’s new policies


Those Who Oppose Pipelines Will Get LNG by Rail

 ... … … Pipelines remain the safest way to transport natural gas, but demands of consumers will force it to be delivered as LNG by rail if pipelines cannot be built. Natural gas pipelines are having a hard time getting built in the United States despite the advantages that natural gas provides to the public


Germany Boxed In, Turns to Russian Gas, But It Should Buy Our LNG

 ... … … There’s no excuse for what Germany has done to itself. It is now boxed in, with but two alternatives; Russian gas or our LNG. They should choose wisely. The European Union (EU) has realized natural gas will have to complement intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind in order for European nations