Lehigh County

Researchers Find Better/Faster Way to Evaporate Marcellus Brine

It’s good to revisit the basics from time to time. When drilling a shale oil or gas well, each well produces “brine,” a super-salty (minerally) water from the depths that keeps flowing long after the well is drilled and is online. This is not surface water; fresh water found down to about 300 feet. This…


Bethlehem Marcellus-Fired Power Plant Kept PA Lights on During Xmas

In a modern twist on an old story, the little town of Bethlehem (this one in Pennsylvania) provided a savior… Continue reading The post Bethlehem Marcellus-Fired Power Plant Kept PA Lights on During Xmas first appeared on Marcellus Drilling News. This post appeared first on Marcellus Drilling News.


UGI Energy Launches LNG Peak Shaver in Bethlehem, PA

Yesterday UGI Energy Services, a subsidiary of Pennsylvania utility company UGI Corporation, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at its brand new Bethlehem, PA LNG peak shaver facility. Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chairwoman Gladys Brown Dutrieuille was among the dignitaries on hand to celebrate. What is a “peak shaver” and why is this an important project