keep it grounded in fact

Keep It in the Ground? Well, Then, This Is What to Expect.

Keep It Grounded In Fact(American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers)      Keep it in the ground say fractivists and other environmental extremists, but we’ve just gotten a glimpse of that future and it’s anything but pretty. If you’ve ever wondered what life would be like if Extinction Rebellion and the other “Keep It in the


Extinction Rebellion Suggests Climate Extremism Has Hit Peak Lunacy

Keep It Grounded In Fact(American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers)      Extinction Rebellion is a climate extremist group focused principally on the UK. It suggests such extremism may be reaching peak lunacy levels, though. The surprisingly successful Extinction Rebellion is running a con game on everyone, especially their own followers. Ostensibly the standard bearer of


EV Subsidies, Like Most Green Scams, Are “Robin-Hood-in-Reverse Policy”

Keep It Grounded In Fact(American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers)      EV subsidies are disgusting because they principally benefit well-off trendy folks who can well afford electric vehicles without help from ordinary taxpayers. When will EV proponents learn that attempting to manipulate consumer choice (and the free market) doesn’t end well? If California and Colorado


Pipeline Opponents Are Letting the Nonexistent Crowd Out the Great

Keep It Grounded In Fact(American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers)      Pipeline opponents are some of the most irrational people. They’ve talked some agencies into going well beyond letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. When it comes to pipeline opponents, all too often it’s not a case of “letting the perfect crowd


Fallout from Keep It in the Ground Tests Falls on New York Supporters

Keep It Grounded In Fact(American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers)      The Con Ed moratorium on new gas connections is creating fallout from the Keep It in the Ground movement that normally supportive New Yorkers don’t like. When Gov. Andrew Cuomo formally banned fracking in New York State in December 2014—which subsequently eliminated 191,800 job