Internal Combustion Engine

Model T Lessons on Value Tell Us Why EVs Aren’t Selling

Model T Lessons on Value Tell Us Why EVs Aren’t Selling Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: Bob Tomaine compares the values of Henry Ford’s Model T with todays electric vehicles, which are neither new nor valuable and offer only political correctness.] Few would dispute that while Henry Ford was a mercurial eccentric,


CARB States, EVs, Groupthink, Useful Idiots and “Science”

CARB States, Groupthink, Useful Idiots and “Science”  Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: Pennsylvania is one of several CARB States. Who knew? Political groupthink, combined with useful idiots, is destroying science and not helping our lives.] The origin of the quip that “the beatings will continue until morale improves” is murky at best


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – April 1, 2023

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – April 1, 2023 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week; the horror of Congo mining to produce EVs, the Inflation Explosion Act, Black Rock withdrawals


EVs Aren’t Going Away, But They’re Hardly the Future!

EVs Aren’t Going Away, But They’re Hardly the Future! Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: EVs have a role to play in transportation but will only serve as dreamy replacement vehicles until blackouts and parking and range restrictions force a wakeup.] It hasn’t gotten much coverage in the so-called mainstream media, but more


Speed Is No Issue Unless It’s About How Fast Our Liberty Is Being Lost

Speed Is No Issue Unless It’s About How Fast Liberty Is Lost Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: Speed is the sprit of freedom and bureaucrats threatened by it once thought they could just con drivers out of it. Today, they’re trying to con drivers into EVs.] A speedometer by itself is not


Travel? You Want to Travel? Show Me Your Papers!

Travel? You Want to Travel? Show Me Your Papers! Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: Our right to travel where we want is under attack by those who would make us serfs and restore feudalism, which is one of the primary goals of our ruling class.] Anyone who’s seen “The Perfect Storm” knows


Electric Car Pipe Dreams No Substitute for Reality

Electric Car Pipe Dreams No Substitute for Reality Bob Tomaine NaturalGasNOW Contributing Writer   [Editor’s Note: The idea electric cars can completely replace vehicles powered by internal combustion engines is – at its most innocent – a pipe dream. Too many believers in that dream are fooling nobody other than themselves.] There are times when laughing


Natural Gas Now Best Picks – August 27, 2022

Natural Gas Now Best Picks – August 27, 2022 Tom Shepstone Shepstone Management Company, Inc. … … Readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. This week’s picks address green madness, Texas cahonies, the Biden danger and an injunction restraining him.


Vaccines to Fight COVID-19 Impossible Without Oil and Gas

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: The vaccines going out across the world to fight COVID-19 would not be possible without oil and gas, as the folks at IER thoroughly explain. The full pdf from IER is available here.] Few Americans realize that oil and natural gas are used to make plastics, glass and other materials


Transportation and Climate Initiative Is A Fool’s Errand for New England

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: New England, once the land of common sense is now pursuing a Transportation and Climate Initiative that is a fool’s errand by any standard.] The Transportation and Climate Initiative that many East Coast states will be party to is expected to take effect in 2022 with details of the pact being


Electric Vehicle Mandate in UK Really About Controlling All of Us

 ... … … [Editor’s Note: Boris Johnson has banned fracking and aims to force Brits into the electric vehicle they can’t afford, which means pushing them into cities.] British Prime Minister Boris Johnson banned the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2030 in order to accomplish his carbon-free mandate by 2050. A recent study,